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of threads lately.

I have been here for quite some time (and have been a moderator for a long time as well) - and I have to admit - it seems like we have some moderators that arent moderating anymore. They are just locking down what they dont like.

This isnt good - and I hope it stops soon. IMO.
You spend a good piece of your life gripping a baseball, and in the end it turns out that it was the other way around all the time. ~Jim Bouton, Ball Four, 1970
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I don't visit all the forums regularly but I will say that the occasional lock-downs in the Texas forum have been infrequent and warranted, usually when a student athlete is being criticized by name.

I think it is a tough job to be a moderator, a very fine line they walk but most do a great job. I follow other message boards that are not as "polite" and they often become ticky-tacky and hateful. I am glad that in MOST instances, hsbbweb posters take the high road. Smile
Last edited by cheapseats
its ...

I understand what you are saying and I hate to see threads get locked down as well. And as a moderator myself, I believe the moderator doing the locking down should make a post identifying themselves and explaining their decision. That way, if there are one or two moderators who keep doing the lock downs, perhaps it can be addressed by the MN-Moderator MN-Mom.
Originally posted by TRhit:

Amen to that !!!!

It is almost like a police state at times with no freedom of speech


I started a thread this morning that has been deleted. No reason was given to me. And the person who was the focus of the thread would be the last one to have been offended by it. Maybe I should issue an apology, but that person wouldn't like that either.

It would be nice if the person deleting the thread would send me a PM. Fortunately, I have the original text and might post it again. I know TR would approve.
Last edited by infidel_08
I believe the moderator doing the locking down should make a post identifying themselves and explaining their decision

I think a PM would also be in order but I personally think that the readers and the posters deserve to know who is locking them down or deleting their post(s). Several ladies, including mer, had their posts automatically deleted in the Men's Forum when it first opened and we 'dared' post in there. I have a pretty good idea who it was but nevertheless, he wasn't man enough to acknowledge his actions.

If nothing else, I believe the person deleting or locking down a thread should let Julie know they did it ... that way she can see if there are any tendancies or trends by specific moderators who may be taking their 'position' over the line.
I'm sorry I am late in responding here.

I had not noticed a high number of locked threads recently, and actually I have not received any reports from moderators about their decisions to lock threads. But I do trust that those who have posted above are not imagining it!

Of course I've mentioned this before, but it is a tough and mostly thankless job to be a moderator. They are not paid for their efforts, nor am I. Personally I have spent hundreds of hours - actually it's thousands of hours by now - taking care of these forums during the past three years, and I still don't always know the right answer. I'm sure I still make mistakes, though they are sincere ones. And I'm sure that in some disputes I help to settle, at least half of those involved are darn sure I've made a terrible mistake, even though I try to be fair! Wink

Although I lock very few threads - probably less than a handful per year, and I can't remember the last time, at least a few months ago - I'll tell you some of the reasons that I know of that threads may get locked.

I guess the primary reason I've ever locked a thread is either that members have started to post personal attacks, or that I have seen almost the identical conversation or dispute several times in the past, and it has in those past cases led to ugly posts that do not contribute to the purpose of the forums. What about freedom of speech? I think that for the most part, our moderators are consistent in allowing debate and respectful disagreement. But sometimes the debate becomes anything but respectful.

A few times, another moderator has locked a thread that is threatening to get ugly, and sent me a message saying "I won't be around to make sure this doesn't get too hurtful, so I'm locking it temporarily and will you take a look at it if/when you're in your office" etc. Some members would be very surprised if they knew the number of hours many moderators including me put in, but we can't be on duty all the time, because most of us have paid jobs.

I don't want our members to feel that they are being constantly censored or posting in a "police state". But the "moderation" which may sometimes feel like censorship if you are on the receiving end, is part of what makes this site different from the typical sports-related forum. It was designed by the original founder Bob to be more family-friendly, and I would say more polite, than the average. Some people won't agree with my interpretation of the Board Manners, but the founder of the site selected me to try to carry on what he so generously started, and I have sincerely tried to continue to do that.

I didn't write the original rules, but I have read them many times as I mulled over a disagreement or problem. Have most members read the Board Manners a time or two? I really think Bob is a wise man and did a great job:

"We ask that you respect the purpose of the forum and do not act in any way that harasses or personally attacks an individual or group of individuals. We also insist that you act in a manner that ensures a high quality of discussion in the stated purpose of the message board."

"Posters will be expected to maintain basic courtesy toward the opinions of others."

"We expect members to agree or disagree in a civil manner. Personal attacks will not be tolerated."

...and many other very basic, solid rules of courtesy.

And I know some members get very upset about deleted posts, but there are times when a simple deletion saves us all from having to read a lot of ensuing garbage. Again, the original rules:

"If you have nothing constructive to provide on a forum (determined by any of the Board Administrators) your posts can be removed without warning."

I apologize that I probably sound like I'm preaching. But sometimes after I've spent 5 or 10 or even 20 hours over several days, dealing with a dispute or series of disputes and all of the discussions and explanations surrounding it...while my real job is sitting there undone which means I'm either not getting paid or not getting sleep, because my real job is a freelance 1-person business...I have to admit that the next time I see the exact same battle start to explode, I may not be able to sit there and have those same discussions over again for another 5 or 10 or 20 hours. But oftentimes that isn't seen by a member who isn't checking the site several times per day and didn't see the previous issue.

I'm not sure if my explanation helped at all, or bored everyone to sleep. But I do understand and applaud the hard work that most of our moderators put in, because I'm doing the same thing. (FBM, I'm beginning to wonder if there is a rogue moderator in that Men Only forum who isn't exactly trying to uphold the Board Manners. Hmmm-m-m.)

Anyway, thank you to all who expressed your concerns.

Last edited by MN-Mom
Julie ...

May I first say ...

I am a big supporter of nice-ness and am thankful that you have reiterated that above. This is a special site, indeed, and should remain as such. There are plenty of sites out there that allow flaming, and I believe that is where flamers and trollers should go if they feel the need to vent and lash out at people.

Thanks again for all you do.

Mary Ann

PS I was 'criticized' as immature the other day because of my published 'location' ... which I have modified just a bit to make it correct. It is not an attempt at frivolity or silliness, it is taken from the theme song of the animated movie "An American Tale". It is 'my location' as long as my son is traveling with baseball and is not 'home' ... because one of the things that gives me peace is knowing that he is out there somewhere under the same sky !!! That isn't immature ... it is loving.
Last edited by FutureBack.Mom
Mary Ann,

(Sorry everyone else, this post is very sappy and off might want to skip it if you're not into "sappy".) Wink

I absolutely loved your "location" and understood exactly where it came from. Every time I saw it, the song started running through my head, thinking of little Fievel missing his family but knowing that they were "somewhere out there", thinking of him and loving him. Of course I saw that movie with my own sons when they were little boys, and now my oldest is living further away from me than he ever has, and I miss him more than I ever have. So I sing your song from time to least the line or two I can remember...and thank you for the chance to look back quite a few years.

Last edited by MN-Mom
FBM, that's so cool. I dig that. It reminds me of me my husband and two boys, waiting for it to get dark, so we could sneak out to the backyard with our ice cream and telescope, checking out the constelations and discussing that no matter where we were, at any times in our lives, we would still be looking at the same moon, stars, and constellations and in a way, we could stay connected with out technology, a simple thread to connect our family. I'm sure friends and families have enjoyed this connection for centuries. Funny how stuff gets confusing in cyberspace - jumping to conclusions and all. JMHO
I am 100% for free speech and all of that. But I think we'd better think about the responsibility we have of posting on a public forum...that has a reasonable likliehood of HS-aged kids reading while seeking information.

Given that responsibility that I think we should ALL own, deletion of posts that are irresponsible and/or demeaning towards someone's kid IS FINE BY ME!

No need, whatsoever to delete anything pointed at me personally. I can take it (usually). Big Grin

I once, without thinking too much, posted on a local board about my speedy driving to LA for a game. Someone reminded me that HS drivers often read that board and that, as a longtime poster in particular, I shouldn't be writing lightheartedly about such things.

They were absolutely right! I deleted my post and felt pretty darn embarrassed that I slipped over the line.

I often think that someone who constantly posts ludicrous stuff only exposes themselves to the readers and that has its own benefit. But again, remember your own teenage kids!

Don't drink and post (somehow I think this causes some of the problems)...and for cryin' out loud, re-read what you wrote through your 'target's' eyes before you hit the button and we should all be fine. Cool
Last edited by justbaseball
Good post.

I recently met someone who manages a very large website, in fact I do beleive it is his full time job. He has authority to decide what is "free" speech and what is not for the owner of the site. He doesn't even give warnings, you flame, you come to troll and make trouble, you are gone as fast as you came. You don't even have an opportunity to even slip through the back door once you are suspended.

He gave me some advice, like to share. Posting on a website, any website, is not a right, it is a priveledge.

You all may not realize just how tolerant Julie is. All of us (myself included) do have to remember, she is the owner of the site and deserves respect (real respect) for all that she does here......for FREE.
Last edited by TPM

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