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My son made this list and I also was wondering if this carries any weight with recruiters and scouts? Obviously this list is determined by participation in Perfect Game showcases. There were several All State players that my son has played with and they didn't make the list and they haven't been to any showcases.
Actually, a player doesn't have to be involved with Perfect Game showcases to make the list, though many excellent players on the list have participated in PG events. Several of the players on the 2006 & 2005 lists have played on my summer teams and some of them haven't attended PG events, but most have been to one. The other thing they have in common is that nearly all have been invited to tryout for the Area Code Games and participated in events run by Goodwill Series. I know a number of other local players that are on the lists that haven't participated in more than one of these type showcases, if any. There are also a number of very good players in our area have participated in Area Code and PG that aren't on the list, but they're still very good players. The common thread shared by every player on the 2006 list is that each is an excellent player, regardless of what showcases he has or hasn't attended or what HS or summer program they are associated with. There are many excellent summer teams around the country that participate in large tournaments that give these boys opportunities to play baseball at a very high level. Those teams tend to be the type that compete where there are good opportunities for their players to be scouted by college coaches, professional scouts, and yes, people associated in some capacity with Baseball America too.

I do think that Goodwill Series, Area Code and Perfect Game are outstanding resources for quality players, and can be of substantial benefit in assisting them with playing beyond HS. I can assure you that these organizations have opened doors for some fine young men I've had the priviledge of coaching, that I never could have provided to them myself. I'm sure there are many other coaches out there who would tell you the same thing.
Last edited by 06catcherdad
The list is put together by Perfect Game, but attending one of their showcases is not a requirement. What is necessary to be ranked nationally is to be seen playing in high-level/national competition. PG scouts many events besides their own showcases and they solicit input for their rankings from their scouting network. So yes, you will find players around the country that may be named “all-something” in their hometown that will not be on a national list, especially if scouts have never seen the player in action. Smile
06 & RHP - I went back and reread my post.I guess that I sounded negative with my reply.I want to restate my opinion in that I beleive that if a player participates in a Perfect Game,WWBA,Area Code,or Goodwill Series event that your chances of being seen are much better than if you just play Legion/local competition.In the Wisconsin the chance to be seen by recruiters and scouts is far less than California,Texas,Florida Etc. My son has gone to as many showcases that he could- and it wasn't until he went to the WWBA National Tournament and followed this up with the PG National Underclass Showcase that he really started showing up on the radar.
The player that I was referring to in my post is a 06'pitcher/catcher who as a sophomore was 1st team all state in Wis. He hit .557 with 5 hrs and had 36 RBIs in 21 Games,throws 89 and has a good pop time(not sure of number).As pitcher he throws hard with movement,has very good change and mediocre curve.He played for a team out of Detroit that was coached by Dan Petry.They went to some pretty good exposure tournaments over the summer.He has been involved with the Baseball Factory and has made there top players list for 3 years.His father has been very active in sending tapes to schools and has had a little success getting some questioneers back.I havetried to get him to go to a PG event but hasn't had chance - He is quarterback on football team,shooting guard on baskatball team and a 4.00 student plus baseball.IMO if he was seen by PG he definetely woul be on everyones top lists. Plans are in the works to attend a PG Showcase this summer.
I really do believe that the exposure a player gets from Perfect Game,WWBA,Goodwill and Area Code is the best you can ask for.I apoligize if my quote sounded negative towards these organizations.

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