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Did anybody go to this camp in Las Vegas in June, or was it cancelled at the last minute like last year's Orlando camp? I find it hilarious that the owner Rook also has (if it's still going) a golf camp business, College Golf Camps of America. He tauts (or maybe tweets) quotes from "coaches", like below:

“No one can match the format of College Golf Camps of America. The combination of clinics, instruction, playing time and evaluation. This camp format is rock-solid, organized to the minute. What a breath of fresh air for players, parents and coaches.”
- NCAA Coach

From the topgunsbaseball site, he at least attaches a name:

“No one can match the format of Top Guns. The combination of clinics, instruction, playing
time and evaluation. This camp format is rock-solid, organized to the minute. What a breath of fresh
air for players, parents and coaches.” - Gary Ward, New Mexico St., Hall of Fame Coach at Oklahoma St.

Is Ward not a good enough golfer to get his name on the marqee, or did the dreaded anonymous coach utter the same quote with the same incomplete sentence?

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