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I’ve been following, but not responding, to the current political topics because I know the direction they are headed. I would like to know how most people feel about the variety of topics that get discussed on the HSBBW. Should certain topics be taboo? Having been around a few years, I know certain topics are destined from the beginning to go bad. I might add that these “bad” topics offer nothing constructive to the sport of HS baseball.
When we log on to the HSBBW I think we assume an obligation to respect certain defined, and undefined, rules of this site. First and foremost we should assume a responsibility to the young baseball player that the information he ultimately receives is good information. Secondly, The HSBBW should present itself to the first time viewer as a excellence source for information that can help the young player or his parents make an educated choice about colleges, college vs. pro, what showcase is best, or even if a showcase is the best way to go.
We should understand that no matter how long we’ve been visiting this site that we are nothing more than visitors in another person’s house and should act accordingly. I think we should read the “Board Manners” section and think about how “we” sometimes appear to others; mainly the new visitor and the young ball player.
I’m not trying to single out anyone but let me pull a quotes from a recent topic. . . . "Who made you the HS Baseball Web editorial editor? I could care less if I sound credible or not." In my opinion we are ALL editorial editors and we should ALL care if we sound credible.
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Fungo, could not agree with you more. Coming on the HSBBW asking "Who is Bob anyway?" is like some of the current major leaguers who sign their multi-million dollar contracts and then when asked whether they feel they owe anything to Curt Flood or Andy Messersmith say "who are they?" Doesn't feel good. I still remember when Bob posted he might need to discontinue this board since he was working 60-80 hours per week, trying to attend his 2 son's football and baseball games, and was updating/maintaining this website on the weekends when the rest of us were sleeping. This website is the remarkable creation and idea of Bob and we are lucky visitors getting to share views and expressions about baseball. When we post, I hope we remember the creativity,time, effort, vision and persistence of the person who made it possible to do so. chat
infieldad - since you brought up the topic of manners, perhaps we should also consider attitude. You seem to have a real 'tude. Are we to be impressed because you can relate the historical significance of Curt Flood and Andy Messersmith to today's collective bargaining? If you read my post you would know that my query regarding Bob was who I thought Tiger Paw Mom was mistakenly referring to Tom (CollegeSelect). I am well aware of Bob H. our friend from he Volunteer state. If you preach about staying on topic, then do so yourself. I am not impressed with you and further, I don't care if I come off credible or not - I will state what I believe in and if the likes of TRhit and yourself, don't like it - too bad. Both of you seem to be preaching to the same choir. I'm sorry I do not think the way you two do when it comes to DIII.

YES....YES....and YES!!! Smile

I did think there were some unwritten rules about suitable topics. I was one of many posters the other day to mail a request to close the topic...I was hoping the posters who want to talk politics would go to chat.

Infielddad....I read your comments to sportsboss the other day about your son. Did he mail you a link to a website which discusses the Auburn Doubledays? I know he is busy, if he did not let me know and I will forward to you greenjump

Fungo ...

I am in total agreement with you and wish that some topics ... especially politics ... were not be on this site at all (except perhaps for some humor under the "Unusually Unusual" forum). There are a ton of other sites where those topics are appropriate. But to be honest, I am surprised that you started this thread under "Ask about Colleges" ... I personally think it should be under the "General Forum".

infielddad ...

This website is the remarkable creation and idea of Bob and we are lucky visitors

Amen to that. And when we are visitors, there are appropriate manners to be used while visiting as a way of respecting the host. More people should read the "etiquette book".

By the way ... sometimes it is just hard to be a Leftcoaster under any circumstance
Last edited by FutureBack.Mom
I would respectfully disagree. The topic was started because of Kerry's attempt to throw a baseball at Fenway. It was closed because Bob thought that Politics had no place on the board. Let me ask then why some other topics exist. We have a sometime crude joke section, Free advertisement section for Showcases, some use it to promote there children etc..... But politics has no place? Sounds like selective editoralizing to me. Politics can be mean spirited, crude, demeaning and divisive but so can alot of stuff in the Unusual section, can it not? I posted a negative Topic on Title IX last year and people went crazy, some agreed other did not but it was and still is a politcal argument. Passion about the direction of our country should be applauded not suppressed. Regardless of whom is at the helm of this country, if we as a nation keep the simple principles that this country was founded on, then it can survive any one person or tragedy. Etiquette has moving boundaries, maybe some or all of us should re-read some posts before mentioning the topic.AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH, I just fell of my soapbox so I will shutup now.
Originally posted by Fighting Squirrel:
Sounds like selective editoralizing to me.

Thats the real beauty of this site.
I love it when the Big Kahuna steps in and shuts down the lecturers and blowhards.

Whats next - a discussion about Jean Paul Sarte and his theory of man?

Or perhaps a lively debate concerning the FDA's recent decisions on food additives?

I think I'll pass on the psychobabble and just wait for the baseball stuff. LOL
Amen to Fungo. I guess I was part of the problem as I posted the quote from NPR about Kerry throwing like a girl. My mistake to cause a firestorm. Didn't mean to do that.

I enjoy this site because it's baseball.
If you want to get through my secretaries to me, mention baseball (or O's tickets);

If you want to see a shovel or rake in my hand, call me to work on a baseball field;

If you want to raise money to improve our local fields, just call me, it's baseball;

If you want to get my attention, just mention baseball.

I love the game and really love my sons' involovment in it, and try to offer whatever little help I can to anyone else; that's why I enjoy this site, because it's baseball.

My goal for the summer is to memorize the James Earl Jones speech from Field of Dreams. Why? Because it's baseball (as JEJ would say).

I'm no different and no better than any other person that posts on here, and like most of us, by God's grace I've been blessed with far more than I deserve, as have we all.

I hope this site will continue to be here for a long long time, not for the political discussions, but for baseball. Period.
I think that Fungo stayed in here on purpose, he just didn't want to get caught up in the other discussion.
Good post, as usual you have keen insight and express yourself well. Disagreeing and discussion is good, but getting down right ugly is bad. I see that it already started on this topic and if I am mistaken on your 'tude Squirrel, correct me if wrong. It is so easy to get sidetracked.
I have no feelings one way or the other about politics being discussed. Proves to me how passionate baseball people are and gives them a chance to discuss something OTHER than baseball. JMO I just do not like to see anyone called any names or embarrased for no reason. And everyone has to learn to respect many different opinion.
Does CU meet up with AU this year?

This message posted by:
The one accused of being the Editorial Editor (just wanted to use it one time, since Fungo was being so POLITICALLY correct) biglaugh
Last edited by TPM

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