I’ve been following, but not responding, to the current political topics because I know the direction they are headed. I would like to know how most people feel about the variety of topics that get discussed on the HSBBW. Should certain topics be taboo? Having been around a few years, I know certain topics are destined from the beginning to go bad. I might add that these “bad” topics offer nothing constructive to the sport of HS baseball.
When we log on to the HSBBW I think we assume an obligation to respect certain defined, and undefined, rules of this site. First and foremost we should assume a responsibility to the young baseball player that the information he ultimately receives is good information. Secondly, The HSBBW should present itself to the first time viewer as a excellence source for information that can help the young player or his parents make an educated choice about colleges, college vs. pro, what showcase is best, or even if a showcase is the best way to go.
We should understand that no matter how long we’ve been visiting this site that we are nothing more than visitors in another person’s house and should act accordingly. I think we should read the “Board Manners” section and think about how “we” sometimes appear to others; mainly the new visitor and the young ball player.
I’m not trying to single out anyone but let me pull a quotes from a recent topic. . . . "Who made you the HS Baseball Web editorial editor? I could care less if I sound credible or not." In my opinion we are ALL editorial editors and we should ALL care if we sound credible.
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