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I’ve hit up the search bar and found some helpful information, but curious to hear thoughts on holding off until after school season/travel season for surgery.

MRI with contrast confirmed torn labrum two weeks ago. Son says it only hurts doing squats/box jumps  (which he hasn’t done in about a month) and occasionally “catches” and will hurt a few days. He hasn’t missed any practices due to pain, nor asked for Tylenol, etc.

The PA we saw says he can play until he decides he can’t…no further damage. He told us they have one dr that does this surgery in their group and recommended getting a second opinion when the time comes. I’ve since talked with another PA in the group (with a different dr) and she says, “As good as our group is and as good of a reputation as we have, get this surgery done elsewhere when that time comes.”  This group works directly with a Power 5 school, so that was eye opening.

We are thinking about taking him to the Andrews Sports Medicine Hip Center for a second opinion now and not waiting until later this spring/summer.

Any thoughts or guidance?

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Interesting that Andrews has a hip center! 

What year is your son? 

Son's surgeon said the same thing....once it is torn it is torn and won't get worse.  So keewarson got a cortisone shot and played the rest of the college season.  He then had one hip fixed in June and the other hip in July (many times hip impingments are bilateral).   He was playing by the start of the next season.   His surgeon was recommended by his college.   

Fast forward several years and he was a the Andrews institute in Pensacola for Dr. Andrews to fix his shoulder.  Twice.

Hips too tight and shoulders too loose. 

@keewart - The Hip Center at Andrews Sports Medicine….it appears they have two doctors that perform surgery there. I had no idea there was such a place.

Son is a 2025.  Speaking of that-would it be appropriate for my son to ask some of the college coaches he talks to their thoughts on how they would handle the situation? One of the doctors at Andrews works with two of the schools my son has had contact with. Should he ask them specifically about this Dr?

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