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TPM (and all other mom's with BB sons), I had to think about you today. I had cooked a nice hot dinner, hubby was coming home early (before dark) to help son and some other classmates with a math test tomorrow. Oldest grabbed husband before he got into the house and had him in the cage. #2 son heard the sound of wood and came running too. Needless to say, I was standing there and just had to think how many dinners TPM made that got cold because of her son's love of the game. I made me smile. I hope there are many more cold dinners to come do to their passion for the game.
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Originally posted by BBfam:
TPM (and all other mom's with BB sons), I had to think about you today. I had cooked a nice hot dinner, hubby was coming home early (before dark) to help son and some other classmates with a math test tomorrow. Oldest grabbed husband before he got into the house and had him in the cage. #2 son heard the sound of wood and came running too. Needless to say, I was standing there and just had to think how many dinners TPM made that got cold because of her son's love of the game. I made me smile. I hope there are many more cold dinners to come do to their passion for the game.

Thanks for thinking of me, but I have a confession. Son never passed up a HOT meal for baseball.
His first priority was and always will be his stomach. Smile
Never? Geesh, just must be my cooking then Red Face I must have been thinking about you because you've been taking quite "the hit" lately from some newer posters. I'd like to thank you because our high school years are just getting ready to begin and because of you and others that were willing to share I know it will be easier than it would have been without posters like you.

He really never missed a meal for baseball? No wonder mine is so skinny.
iheartbb-I was specifically talking about posters that have been extremely harsh on some of our "more experienced" posters. It has gotten so bad by a select few that, if you noticed, many of our old favorites no longer post or don't visit at all. It would be a shame to lose even more because of a few bad apples. Sure, new people come on board and that is great. I appreciate all opinions (even if they aren't the same as mine) but there is no need to come on board, act as if you know everything, state it, and then bash posters that have been the heart and soul of this site for many years. JMO
Absolutely not directed at anyone in particular. Just a generalization. I expect and encourage differences of opinion (come from a large family of arguers Big Grin). How can I decide which directions to take if I don't have multiple choices? But, it has gotten extremely harsh here lately with posters not taking time to step back, take a breath, and post without beating each other up. Many of the posters have dug trenches and let us behind them know what they did in certain situations that could benefit us getting ready to do the same things. No one, old timers or newbies, should discount that nor make comments that would suggest that just because their son's are done with high school their opinions aren't valid. We should listen and decide which directions best fit us personally. No attacks needed. If someone doesn't like what another person says, there is no need to get ugly. I don't know how many times I've disagreed with something posted here and then later changed my mind. I've found the more I'm around baseball and baseball people, the less I really know. Go figure?
I am embarrassed. Red Face Thanks, but I have been here for a long time and used to taking hits. Sometimes I do deserve them. Roll Eyes Sometimes I don't. I know some people don't like me because they think I have an agenda, but I don't. I just am one of those who likes to give advice through my own experiences, I realize all situations are different. I care so much about the HSBBW and people more than some realize. I don't like when new posters come on and demand respect while they don't give it in return, I have a problem with that. I think that here, giving advice and having people respect that advice is earned. Not that new psoters do not give great advice, but this place does have some rules posted and some "unwritten" rules. All message boards work the same way, newcomers usually have some type of unwritten "initiation" they need to pass, it is just not here. And when I first came here I was newbie and went through the same feelings that all new poster go through. It's a, who are YOU? I don't post much anywhere else, but read some and I find them all the same, the "oldtimers" need to "check" you out to see if you are for real or not. Compared to some message boards I have read, our posters are great folks.

I am saddened that many of our long time posters are not here, some for reasons that they have just moved on, others because they were not treated nicely. Regardless of whether their sons are past HS, they have keen insight to much more than just baseball.

A good friend of mine who reads here but doesn't post much said that new posters learn after a while who gives advice that is meaningful and who doesn't. You read all you can, take the good with the bad, and that gives you a foundation to follow, that is what is important. The rest is BS. Smile He is very smart.

The only thing about me, you can dig all you want, but when you make a remark about son or team he plays for, former coaches, etc. I take offense to that and watch out. However, I have found everyone here to be supportive of him for many years and all the kind remarks are very appreciated. I try to support as many websters players as I can keep up with.

The HBBBW is full of wonderful people all with different opinions, it is important that we respect opinions of all. Sometimes some of us, nudge others on, sometimes just to keep the discussion going, but behind the scenes pm often about our kids and life.

You will also find that many that like to cause problems usually don't hang around very long.
Last edited by TPM
I am sorry TPM. My intent was never to embarass anyone-especially you. Like I said, it seems more of the old time posters are getting frustrated and leaving. I hate to see that. This site is truly a special place and even though I don't know many of the posters they kind of become like a family so it saddens me when they leave. I know you can take the hits and give em back when necessary Wink but it has gotten a little uglier than usual. Must be either the post-season or that our kids aren't playing as much.
Originally posted by BBfam:
I've found the more I'm around baseball and baseball people, the less I really know. Go figure?

Me Too!!!!

There is something new at every level - every region is different. How anyone can take one isolated experience and apply it across the entire country is beyond me.

Thanks for saying what I've been thinking.
I participate in one other forum. I have read a few others. The thing about HSBBW is that I think most people welcome "newbies". I hate that title of "newbie" though because while it's suppose to only mean they're new to HSBBW, it can make a new poster feel like they're inadequate. In reality, they may know ten times what I know about baseball, recruiting, etc. We were all newbies at one time and the board will always be cyclic and need new input and perspectives.

Since I've been a member, I've seen some people come and go and then come back. I think folks decide to leave the site for many reasons. Sometimes they get mad, sometimes they may get too busy with other things in their lives, sometimes they may just get bored with baseball (I know... hard to believe). The nice thing about the place is that we can come and go as we please. We can determine our own level of participation.

We need to remember how our words can cut others even though it's just a "message board". We must also remember that personalities are involved and some posters are more argumentative than others. Some posters appear to have their own agendas. Some posters seem like they're trying to intentionally draw negative attention to themselves. I've said before that the site is similar to a family. There's good eggs and bad eggs.... we get to decide how much time we want to spend around the irritating ones by just not reading their posts or responding to their threads or PMs.

Also, we need to remember that we can be touching the hearts and lives of others by what we post. There are many more people out there reading threads than posting. I think it should be the goal of all of us here to make that reader feel like they can join in our conversations. They can be the newest family member! That's our responsibility to HSBBW, Bob, and Julie.
I haven't had much time lately to keep up with the posts like I used to, but it's disturbing to think that posters can't treat each other with a little more sportsmanship. But in a competitive field there are always those who cross the line and become bullies on behalf of their kids in sports. It seems like the parents expect to gain something (respect? self-importance?) because of their child's real or perceived talent. TPM and LAF and others have helped me on numerous occasion in the past to keep me it all in perspective. Thanks to all of you for sharing and giving to everyone who visits the HSBBWEB!
Originally posted by izzismom:
I haven't had much time lately to keep up with the posts like I used to, but it's disturbing to think that posters can't treat each other with a little more sportsmanship. But in a competitive field there are always those who cross the line and become bullies on behalf of their kids in sports. It seems like the parents expect to gain something (respect? self-importance?) because of their child's real or perceived talent. TPM and LAF and others have helped me on numerous occasion in the past to keep me it all in perspective. Thanks to all of you for sharing and giving to everyone who visits the HSBBWEB!

Good to see you mom!

I think you're so right on with your thoughts. Many times you can read a post and it seems that the poster seems to feel empowered or entitled because of the success of their child. You can also read a post and it appears that the writer has a chip on their shoulder because of the lack of success their child is experiencing. I know myself that I can remember a couple of times in real life where I behaved arrogantly over something with my son. Perhaps there's other times I didn't even recognize my poor behavior. I think we all have to remind ourselves that our kids failures and successes don't define them, nor do they define us. Some of us may live in million dollar homes and others in trailors. That doesn't define who we are neither. Like you pointed out, we all need to step back from time to time and put things in our lives into perspective. Again, good to see ya here! Smile
Last edited by lafmom

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