My son attended The TPX Top 96 Showcase in Elgin the last two days. I was not familiar with or had not heard much feedback on the Showcase and just how good or bad it would be run, or what kind of players would be there.
I was very pleasantly surprised with both. The Showcase was very well run and there were many excellent players there, both from the Chicago area and elsewhere. Not to knock PG or anyone else, but this showcase in my opinion compared favorably with just about any my son has attended, and he has been to a few. The feedback and hands-on approach of the College Coaches involved was as good as I have seen. There is nothing like spending between $500 to a couple thousand dollars (including travel) and leaving the showcase or camp without any feedback from those running it.
The schools were very good in the sense of being a broad range....D-1 Illinois, Iowa, Bradley, Harvard to name a few, D-3 Chicago, Elmhurst and several more along with a few JC'S
Rend Lake and at least one more.
This event was connected with The Fox Valley Sports Academy, which I have never dealt with before. For me, a definite thumbs up....and close to home to boot.
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