o44, you need to understand that the "recruited walk-on" was not forced onto the team against his will ... he has agreed going in that "athletic aid" is not a key factor to him playing his sport - and accepted the university's invitation (thru coach) to particpate in ncaa athletics
by o44: In fact while the NCAA restructured the scholarship %'s insuring that each team will have at least a handfull of recruited walk on's it would appear that they never really figured out how the rules were to be interepted .... What EXACTLY does "a member of the team" mean? On Baseball $? Enrolled?$
not sure where you're going there?
what's to figure?
A) a recruited walk-on is on the team roster when he arrives on campus & practices -
he is NOT a future open try-out candidate/wannabe - he attends team meetings & gets a locker w/his # on it ...
regular enrolled students can't practice with the team or have a locker w/#.
the r'walk-on must be a qualifier & the clearinghouse must ok him, he has compliance & insurance (injury) paperwork. his academic progress is tracked the same as all other athletes .
ie: the university & ncaa compliance recognize his team status
by o44: sad thing is that these are players who are not getting baseball $$
sad? ya mean like the money (-0-) that football & basketball walk-ons get?
they do now & have had to sit out a season w/DI transfer
why should baseball be different?
because we like it a whole bunch? ... that may not fly