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One drill I like puts emphasis on the right use of the hands and feet.
Working in pairs at 25 feet have the receiver use short choppy steps and his hands extended at chest height while he waits on the throw.
The thrower will throw the ball at chest height to the throwing hand side. The receiver will either execute a jump turn or crow hop. The transfer is then made with a return throw in the same fashion.
Begin with a flat glove, no deep pocket, quick feet and when you play catch receive each throw on the heal of your glove then quickly to the throwing hand.

Ozzie Smith technique. It works for catchers.

Work for mental and physical quickness. When Robert was 15 years old, he played on our Legion '18 and under team in Northern California [40 players in one year graduated to the MLB].
Each day 3 hours before our game, a former Brewers infielder hit ground balls for one hour to Robert [SS] and our 2b.

Last edited by Bob Williams

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