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Hi everyone... So my college experience has been one that can be comparable to a roller coaster.



2010-2011 redshirted at juco

2011-2012 played at juco

2012-2013 took year off athletically but attended classes

2013-2014 back at Juco playing


My question is, knowing that I would be a senior next year at an NCAA institution, how many credits and what other requirements must I have to play at the Division 1 level?


Thanks a lot.





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If you're going to be a senior next year, how did you get to be a junior at a two year school? You haven't told us anything about the level of play at the JuCo. You haven't explained why you played, didn't play, then played again. You haven't said anything about your performance, athleticism, speed or throwing velocity. To play at a D1 program for one year you don't just have to be good enough to be on the team. You need to have to potential to make a significant impact on their season.


To be honest I believe you haven't had responses because your post hasn't been taken seriously. I don't think you have any idea how challenging D1 ball can be. I only responded due to your tenacity of continuing to push your post to the top.

RJM, none of those questions have any relevance to my question, as 1: the answers are none of your business and 2. the question I ask only demands factual information regarding my current status.


Bum, I would suggest that you check yourself with the definition of "reasonable inquiry" as yours seems to be off, considering RJM's inquiry was far from reasonabl, but frankly rude with his off topic questions and rude assumption of me not knowing what it takes to be playing division 1 baseball.


If the topic does not interest you, then do not open or reply. It's not rocket science, nor is the act of scrolling past a discussion.

It's going to be tough, but it might be possible.  


Here is a rough summary of the three hurdles you need to clear.


The first hurdle is the NCAA 5-year time clock.  It looks like you'll have one year available, so you're okay on that.


The second hurdle concerns what you accomplished academically at the JUCO.  There are two different standards, depending on whether you were a "qualifier" out of high school. 

--If you are a Qualifier, you have to graduate from the two-year college or average 12 transferable units of degree credit for each semester attended. (There's also a GPA rule, but you should be grandfathered out of that.)


--If you are a Non-Qualifier, you need to graduate from the two-year college, have at least 48 transferable units of degree credit (with certain amounts of English, Math, and Science), have a GPA of 2.50 in transferable units and pass 6 units in your last full-time term.


If you meet all these standards, you'll face the third and toughest hurdle for people in your situation:  the "progress toward degree" rule.  Assuming you were a full-time student for all the semesters you mentioned, you will need approximately 96 units toward a bachelors degree at your new school.  It's very hard to meet this standard without a lot of upper level courses that are rarely offered at JUCO's, but you might be able to get there with prudently chosen courses in the summer and fall terms.


You might be interested to know that the "progress toward degree" rule would not apply if you transferred to a D2 school, so that may be an option you want to consider.


If you have specific questions you may send me a private dialog message.


Best wishes,



Last edited by Swampboy


Swampboy has given you excellent advice.

So has RJM and Bum, although they were not as tactful as you would have liked them to be.


Looking over your past posts, I can only give my own piece of advice.  Baseball is a great game, but there comes a time when you have to look yourself in the mirror and decide that maybe it is time to move on.


There are so many really good HS seniors that have difficulty every year trying to get a D1 commitment. There are so many college /juniors/seniors that coaches let go every year, even after playing for them for 2-3 years, I cannot see a D1 coach taking on a player that hasn't played much at all, even at the JUCO level.


I think a big part of helping people here is helping to see that the dream has to end at some point, I can't speak for anyone else but giving false hopes isn't my thing. The most important thing at this point should be working towards your degree, transferring over and over only puts you further behind the 8 ball.


You need to stop bumping up your topics, if there is no reply, it probably means that no one has the answer that you are looking for. Sometimes saying nothing is better than saying anything.


BTW,  in one of your other topics, someone did ask how things went this summer, but you never replied.


Best of luck.

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