My son plays for a highly ranked 13U major USSSA team in Louisiana. He starts at 3rd base and is considered one of the top pitchers on the team. He's played tournament ball exclusively since age ten.
The problem is that he is the only kid from his school/city on the team. The team is made up of kids from all over the southwestern portion of the state. His school friends play league baseball and a couple of AA (low level) tournaments each summer and have not been very successful.
He wants to play with his buddies and not on the tournament team. The head coach of the tournament team is about to blow a gasket, his mother wants him to continue playing for the tournament team. I am on the fence - the tournament team is much better for him and the school buddies is a version of "baseball hell". However, I want him to be happy.
A final note. A couple of D-1 college players were working with my son and noticed that he was getting way to intense and upset by his other teammates errors during a wiffleball game in the gym. These college players told my son to just have fun - and he told these players that he hadn't had fun playing baseball since he was 10 years old. He loves the game of baseball, but I think the pressure cooker of select baseball may be ruining his love for the game.
Any suggestions?
cream rises to the top
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