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I was coaching 13-14 ball. The pitcher gave up a hit that advanced an opposing player to third. The third baseman held the ball. Faked the throw back to the pitcher who hit his glove for sound effect. The runner at third had been looking down dusting off after the slide. I was looking at the book for strategy for pitching the next hitter. The pitcher was walking close to but not on the mound. The runner led off and was tagged -- inning over. I apologized profusely to the opposing coach because we were up big, but I don't think he ever believed I was as surprised as anyone about the play.
Last edited by baseballpapa
Was coaching in a 12 year old tournament. One of our best players leading off second dove head first into the bag on a pick-off attempt. Middle infield and center field started yelling and running towards center field fence yelling "Get the ball." My player started running towards third the shortstop turned and threw the ball to the third baseman. My kid saw the ball, got in a rundown and got back to second after several throws back and forth --- crying.
Oh why not. When the kids turn 13 in Little League, dropped third strikes confuse even the coaches. On offense, we always ran to occupied first to coax a throw. We also would steal (delayed). This works the first part of the season. On defense we would yell (with first occupied) "throw the ball" then tag the confused runner at first. I don't think the other coaches liked me.

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