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Hey, can't tell you how great it is to be back...I graduated in 2001 and probably had visisted this site 100x a day from 1999-2001 looking for all the tips about the confusing world of trying to play collegiate baseball... fortunately I found a school to play at, but unfortunately two shoulder surgeries hindered me from ever getting to step on the I've gone through college all of the sudden my brother has turned into a very good pitcher. I've shown him this site that will hopefully help him in the future as it did with me.

The reason for this post is that now that I am helping my brother with his recruitment and being around baseball a lot again for the first time in a few years... I've got the itch again, and I have realized that my goal is to become a college coach. Since I've never been a graduate assistant or anything, I know this will be difficult. However, I figured I'd throw a post up here to see if anyone knew of any place where I could start, I'm willing to volounteer as an assistant at any school in the country, I'm more than willing to relocate, and work myself up from the ground. I'm assuming that is where I'll have to begin... if anyone has any other ideas, contacts, stories to share... it would be great to hear...once again it feels great to be checking out the hsbaseballweb again....we all help each other out more than we know i promise you that
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