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At our HS my 8th grade son and other 8th graders practice with the Fresh,Soph and Seniors. So far it seems to work out with Back to Back State Championships. Hoping for a third and then get the others pumped up for another 3-4 year ride. Seeing the older kids work together with the younger ones is like the playing up a couple years. Can't wait for this year to start!
... be prepared to lose some "friends."
Unfortunately we have factions at our high school games. The Legion parents look down their noses at the travel/showcase parents. The Legion parents have taken a stance led by the Legion/Jr Legion coaches, that we think our (travel) kids are too good to play with their (Legion) kids in the summer. Also unfortunately a few of the kids have taken this attitude to the team. The travel kids and parents have never publicly made comments about the poor Legion program. We've only chosen not to have our kids play for the daddyball laced, poorly coached program.

The high school players getting to the next level are showcasing even if they play Legion. No one in our area is getting to the next level from Legion ball. I prefer my son spend the summer playing for a Yankees scout rather than the dad of the shortstop and centerfielder of the Legion team.
Last edited by RJM
These threads always crack me up. What are these parents thinking? So and so is better because they played here or there or where ever.....

It matters not where you come from. After 2 years the athletes are playing and the rest are sitting. Travel ball, League ball, Legion ball, it does not matter - you are fooling yourself to think otherwise. I am sorry but little Johnny travel ball can keep himself playing for a year or two, but genetics eventually catch up. (and some hard work of course)
Last edited by BOF
We have 6th graders on our freshman team, and 7th graders on JV. Not complaining - 2B played JV as an 7th grader. But I can't wait for our new parents to tell us how great their boys did at Cooperstown.

Wow...I saw the picture in another thread. How small is your school? My son plays in the smallest classification here in AZ but there are no 6,7, or 8th graders on any of the teams (and some of the schools have less than 100 students). But there also aren't any Freshman teams and very few have a JV (which is just the back end of the varsity team).

However, nothing I've read has made me regret his decision to stay at a small school. He and I are very happy with the small school experience. Wink

We had open field workouts last week....son put two out during BP....BP pitcher - 'It's only Jan 16th and he's already taken me yard'....

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