1. Dad comes up to me and asked how many curves we let our Middle School Team Pitchers throw in a game. I told him I don't coach the middle school but then again, I would hope zero. (I know that they throw curveballs and I'm not happy about it. However, ...) This Dad then says his son pitched the other night in relief and out of 21 pitches, his son threw 10 curves. THOUGHTS! (1 2/3rds innings.)
2. Dad comes up to me and says his son pitched the other night. I told him that I didn't even realize his son was a pitcher. He said, he isn't and has never pitched in a game before. I asked if his son practiced as a pitcher. He said no. The coach was upset with the pitchers and so, to prove a point, his son was put into the game to pitch. THOUGHTS! (Dad was furious since very high pitch count but don't know acutal number.)
I wish I was making both scenerios up but I am not. Thank goodness, this isn't our middle school program they are referring to. Both Dad and both kids are fantastic players/people. I wish the kids were in our school district. I hope they don't get hurt playing middle school ball.
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