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Thank you, Swampboy.  Will do. So many others who have come back strong from it have inspired and motivated him.  He will put in the time, and we'll see how it plays out.  If it was going to happen, timing isn't all that bad.  That it happened in the Fall, of course, means he doesn't lose a year of eligibility and he has a full 15+ months to get strong and healthy for 2018.  Always a silver lining. 

TJS today "could not have gone better", according to Dr. K. I joined the consultation yesterday via FaceTime, and Kremchek was "as advertised", spending more time with my wife and son answering questions than I could have hoped.  During the consultation, he said son had "complete, 100% tear", a surprise.  BUT, even more surprising, after surgery, I got this text from my wife: "Dr came in after and told us that the tear was actually very old. He had a new tear on top of the old one, so he was throwing his entire senior year with a torn UCL (possibly even longer ago than that)."  ?!!!

Let the healing begin. 

Last edited by BucsFan

Update on Jeremy, I was a week behind on where he was in long toss. As of tomorrow, he will be allowed to be on the mound. He is so pumped. No pain or issues so far. Coaches are watching closely to make sure he doesn't over do it. 13 weeks rehab on mound. No idea what that entails but I'll be pumping him for details next week on the plan. Then he is a free man for the team be participate. Timing is good since it is 3 weeks before first game of season.

Team is jumping right in. first weekend - Clemson, 2nd weekend - South Carolina. Going to spend part of my February in South Carolina this year


chefmike7777 posted:

Update on Jeremy, I was a week behind on where he was in long toss. As of tomorrow, he will be allowed to be on the mound. He is so pumped. No pain or issues so far. Coaches are watching closely to make sure he doesn't over do it. 13 weeks rehab on mound. No idea what that entails but I'll be pumping him for details next week on the plan. Then he is a free man for the team be participate. Timing is good since it is 3 weeks before first game of season.

Team is jumping right in. first weekend - Clemson, 2nd weekend - South Carolina. Going to spend part of my February in South Carolina this year


Wow that's an awesome 2 weeks to play at those venues!  Enjoy!

Next update. Jeremy said he is 3 1/2 weeks from being cleared. Which is mid January. that is timetable it has been all along. He was told a couple days ago that on December 26th he will be able to throw 10-15 at full velocity and based off that, he then will be working on off speed as well as everything else. He is pretty excited about finally getting to "let it go". I asked if they were going to "gun" him and he said he didn't know. My guess is yes, since when the are scrimmaging it is the practice to gun the pitchers for data. Will they tell him, who knows, will he tell me if he knows- doubtful .

Guess after the weekend at South Carolina they are staying for the week (spring break). Playing Gardner Webb a couple games, then to USC Upstate, where they will play them, Pittsburgh, and Wofford. Hope South Carolina is nice in late February to early March. Jeremy excited about going. He had to miss the trip last year with his surgery.

He will be on campus. We only live 20 minutes from Wright State. He has an apartment and basically lives there even when they are on break. Last time I think he spent the night at our house was when he had surgery in March, the team was gone and he needed to be "watched" for those 7-8 days. One of his roommates lives very close too, so stays there all the time.

Plus it is amazing that when I ask what he is doing in a given night while he is on a school break, he is "hanging" with his long time girlfriend. Can't "hang" with her in my house overnight

chefmike7777 posted:

Next update. Jeremy said he is 3 1/2 weeks from being cleared. Which is mid January. that is timetable it has been all along. He was told a couple days ago that on December 26th he will be able to throw 10-15 at full velocity and based off that, he then will be working on off speed as well as everything else. He is pretty excited about finally getting to "let it go". I asked if they were going to "gun" him and he said he didn't know. My guess is yes, since when the are scrimmaging it is the practice to gun the pitchers for data. Will they tell him, who knows, will he tell me if he knows- doubtful .

Guess after the weekend at South Carolina they are staying for the week (spring break). Playing Gardner Webb a couple games, then to USC Upstate, where they will play them, Pittsburgh, and Wofford. Hope South Carolina is nice in late February to early March. Jeremy excited about going. He had to miss the trip last year with his surgery.

Glad to hear the good news!

FWIW, its cold in the upstate in February.  One season on opening weekend there were flurries.  


Hey everyone, latest update.

As of 10 days ago Jeremy is cleared. . He was allowed a few days before Christmas to start throwing 100%. No pain or problem. He said he had no idea about velocity. January 2nd he was allowed to start on off-speed. That is basically what I had been told from him since then. other than, "it's going fine".

Friday night he and several of his teammates came over to our house for a meal. I cornered his best friend and asked how Jeremy was doing since I get nothing from him. He laughed and said he was doing really well. He had 2 live against hitters bullpens earlier that week. First one he sat 84-86 high 88, then Friday (so 3 days ago) he sat 87-88 high 90. These were outside in about 50-55 degree weather. Which he thought was important to tell me. He said off speed was rough first time but much better 2nd time.


As frame of reference for velo, day he hurt himself was 4th inning of season. they had him clocked 90-93 and high 96. Year before as freshman, he was at roughly 87-90, high 93.

Doc said when it first happened, that what they expected was once cleared, he would regain velocity within a month or so of being cleared and maybe pick up up to 4 MPH since it is a fresh ligament. That was based on everything going well and that he do his rehab correctly and work on other conditioning so those areas (primarily shoulder) would not be hurt while rehabbing.

I have to say his trainers, coaches and he have been very diligent about doing it right, pushing but not to much. Following the limits of the rehab without going over. To date, seems to have worked. Fingers crossed.

I'm just happy to se him healthy and feeling like he will be a big part of this season team

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