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Well mine returned to the mound tonight 11.5 months after surgery. Got an inning in during the wrong end of a blowout. Pitched a 123 inning, it was more emotional than I thought it would be. 13 pitches , boy it's just great to see him doing what he loves again. To those who have sons rehabbing trust the process , and be ready to grab Kleenex when he returns!

BucsFanSon crossed another milestone yesterday.  Saw Dr. Kremchek and team and got the big "green light" to start the long throwing rehab process.  Had him wait until 5.5 months "just because the calendar afforded him that luxury" (Oct. surgery).  He said he might even try to throw his first 45 foot session in the courtyard with one of his teammates last night after flying back to school, that is how excited he is .  I like the fact that he will "enter the rough rapids" during the warm summer months AND be back home working with his local trainers whom we love.

Been a while since I posted. Jeremy reinjured his elbow pitching in the championship league game on Saturday. Not sure of outcome, he is in MRI as I am typing this. Hopefully coach caught it in time. He is very competitive, which is good most of the time, and didn't tell anyone it was hurting. Coach saw something and went to get him, he talked his way into 2 more pitches, then coach took him out. He was pitching a shutout 2 hitter at time into 5th and didn't want to let his teammates down.

he went to MRI alone because he wanted it that way. Wanted to deal with the news himself before he told anyone. if you see this soon pray for him.

chefmike7777 posted:

Been a while since I posted. Jeremy reinjured his elbow pitching in the championship league game on Saturday. Not sure of outcome, he is in MRI as I am typing this. Hopefully coach caught it in time. He is very competitive, which is good most of the time, and didn't tell anyone it was hurting. Coach saw something and went to get him, he talked his way into 2 more pitches, then coach took him out. He was pitching a shutout 2 hitter at time into 5th and didn't want to let his teammates down.

he went to MRI alone because he wanted it that way. Wanted to deal with the news himself before he told anyone. if you see this soon pray for him.

Chef - Praying for good news, brother!

Got me on a roller coaster ride here, Chef!  Was just getting caught up.  Will pray for him anyway.  Anyone who has seen him knows he is a bulldog/competitive, so this is all understandable.  I am convinced it takes 2 years to get back to normal (and will have to be reminded of that many times next year, I am sure!).  Keep us all posted as much as you are willing.

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