A couple of points:
1. Enjoy your college baseball experience as you are NOT going to make any money in professional baseball. (as a player) That is a fact t hat you and your son can take to the bank. I know it is strange to post on a website for a baseball but - it is a fact.
2. My son played on a championship West Region D3 team with/against pitchers who were drafted, and they were marginal compared to the D1 competitors. I will say that UTD had one of the very competitive West Coast teams but were routinely beaten by Trinity. When Trinity played OU their top pitchers were 95-98, and Trinity were 90-94. Competitive, but not overpowering, draftable, but low % prospects.
3. Sorry, but it is a joke to consider UTD as a HA school. There is only one HA school in TX and that is Rice (8% acceptance) with Trinity considered a fringe HA school. (28% acceptance) For all you UTA, TXA&M crazies you are close but no cigar. Personally I would chose Baylor over the above two, particularly for any medical field.
The small D3 UD beats UTD as far as academics, however they stink at baseball. I am an engineer and been recruiting STEM majors for many, many, many, years and have never heard of UTD technical academics. Maybe in a micro Dallas environment, but you can't even mention them in the second tier HA schools, not even within TX. Not that this matters frankly as getting a STEM degree sets you on the path to life success so that is awesome and UTD does have great baseball facilities and coaches and that is awesome if it is paid for.
Random input: Anytime I meet parents and their kids I always ask how are they doing in math, as IMO if you can do math you can do anything.
4. Cal Poly Pomona would have significant more brand recognition than UTD as it is in a 15M metropolis and can be linked to Cal Poly SLO one of the top engineering schools in the West. (JMO) I saw that UTD was stepping up to D2 and I am not sure what is driving this, but more power to them.