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I've seen twice in the last year a near brawl occur (HS ball) because of a situation kind of like that which occured with the White Sox on the Dropped third Strike.

Both times the umpire gave a hand signal on the thrid strike but did not call out. neither time however, was the 3rd strike dropped.

Each time the team in the field began to run off and the team at the plate began to run around the bases. Both times both teams hesitated and looked to the umpire to decide was that out three or not. Both times after no call kids got in run downs and both times excessive tempers flared and players were ejected.

AND both times the umpire said yes the kid struck out but it was not their job to stop play?

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I don't have the benefit of having seen what happened on those plays but based on what you posted the situations could have been stopped.

If the umpire judged that the third strikes were caught all he had to do was verbalize "the batter's out" when the BR started to run to first base. This would give a clear indication that the out has been made.

I have a feeling, however, that something else may have occurred that caused the umpires to allow play to continue. If not, then the umpires let a situation get out of hand that never had to happen.

Also: You said that rundowns occurred. On strike three, the catcher had the ball. If the third out had been recorded and the catcher knew it, (no reason why he shouldn't) why would he throw the ball to another fielder to try to put out a runner? Any info you could add would be helpful.
Last edited by pilsner
The catcher never threw the ball. One part I left out was that each time the count was 3 and 2 and the kid in each instance ran to first thinking he'd walked. That left a kid who thought he was out still on first and a kid jogging to first. Players wanting to be sure ran in and got the ball and tried to make a play.

It was bizarre. basically both times the umps were the type that were not very vocal/take charge types. To me that's never good.

But to have them say it's not their job to call the third out -- that part I never understood.
Ok.....well the additional information (re: the walk) does help thanks!

Heres my .02

To the play...Assuming HS Varsity level play....3 balls 2 strikes.....ball comes in...without a swing there should be some vocal call of "Strike 3"...(you have to call the pitch)..This call should be loud enough for the catcher and batter to hear it so as to be clear.......This would be enough for the batters in your cases to know they had not walked.........

If the umpire makes no call in this instance but uses just a hand motion to signal the strike then he has brought on the chaos you described.....

I've never been shy about vocalizing my calls.....and for an umpire to casually ring up a batter with a count of 3 balls and 2 strikes and 2 outs is rare........More often than not in our training of new Umpires we have to tone down the "punch out" call........we try to instill a desire to be professional and not cartoonish in our mechanics.......
Last edited by piaa_ump

There has been much discussion on this site and others regarding signals by the plate ump on third strikes not caught. There doesn't seem to be any definitive "how to". That is, whether to verbalize "no catch" or simply give safe signal. (or both)

Different associations or chapters will treat it different ways but, by all means, if your assoc. says signal only, then it's signal only.
Last edited by pilsner

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