Originally posted by Midlo Dad:
Just to be clear, this is NOT related to the January event that has sparked a lot of controversy and bickering on prior threads.
This is what used to be called the Cape Cod High School All-American Classic.
Apparently Under Armour bought the naming rights. Hopefully they put some money up to help build the event a bit, too.
It's not a bad event, and who knows, it might grow into something. Baseball Factory runs it. They would like it to be seen as comparable to the Aflac game. Maybe someday, but if so they have a lot of ground to make up.
Call me crazy, but I thought Under Armour surpassed Aflac in every stage of the game. Also, I thought I read that a bunch of the players at this game did in fact participate in the pre-season tournament. How are they unrelated? Doesn't Baseball Factory put on both events? It Seems like the pre-season tournament is in fact a way to scout players for the "Big Game". It makes sense that a "pre-season" tournament would supplement an All-American game.
Bobby Borchering was a pre-season All-American.
Jonathan Walsh was a pre-season All-American
Michael Dedrick pre-season All-American
Josh Elander pre-season All-American
Scooter Gennett pre-season All-American
I find it hard to believe they would have been on this stage without that tourney.