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Yes, we just attended one on 11/04 int Tampa Fl. We attended the try-out portion only. We called and received the "feedback" report this past Tuesday. the feedback was extremely good for my 2014, as far as a confidence builder goes, but that is about all its worth.

Turns out you are not really trying out for the UA national team but rather for one of their "invite only" upcoming training/tournaments. your feed back will say that you qualified for one or both of those events...which range from $2k - $3k dollars. If you atend opne of those events your child is automatically "enrolled" into their "program", which is just another marketing company.

My son and I went to this event with the intention of getting the objective feedback only(did my homework prior to going). It was our first time going to a showcase/try-out type of event. We wanted to know where he stood against other kids his age. They rate and report on 60 yd time, Pitch speeds(if your a pitcher), arm speed, location and movement, ball speed (mph) for infielders/outfielders, pop to pop for catchers, and hitting.

They have a scoring system they use to rank players and they give you the national varsity avg and then where your child stands.

1) All in all, if you do attend I would save some money and only do 1 position, not 2, because you get to hit no matter what you choose, and all your arm speeds and running will be checked as well.

2) Don't get your hopes up of making any "team" from attending this event. It is basically a try-out for an invitation to another, more expensive try-out/training event.

3) Keep in mind that you will only walk away with an honest, objective evaluation of where your child stands against all the other players that attend these types of camps

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