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I'm not sure if the question was answered.

I think Rocky 25 wants to know if Baseball at Maryland is fully funded at 11.7 scholarships. I like Rocky25 have heard they are not.

Bear has not answered the question. He has said all "REVENUE" generating sports are fully funded. I'm not sure Baseball is a revenue generating sport at UMD... Bear does that mean baseball?
UM IS making progress, even tho probably being "nudged?" into it by BC coming into the ACC with baseball fully funded as well as BC increasing several other m/w sports

UM's "Fear the Turtle" fundraising campaign yielded the following #'s as of 6/30/05

Baseball - 8.7
Swimming - 6.5
Track - 8.8
Wrestling - FULLY FUNDED

Terp's news release
Last edited by Bee>

Thanks for the Post. I guess that question is answered.


Didn't mean to put you "on the spot" just figured since your son is on the team you'd know. Actually I have one son in college and one in HS. But my younger son plays on a team that has alot of Md HS guys and their parents often mention that it's not fully funded so i was just curious. Now i can tell them definatively.

Ain't the HSBBWEB great clap
Go Terps

1. With all this interests in Maryland Athletics you too have the opportunity to provide a tax-deductible gift of $66,000. With such a gift, you will benefit and sleep better just knowing your contributions directly fund a scholarship for your selected sport for a gifted student-athlete.

Do I hear any takers?

2. Most AD's concept of having a D1 NCAA Baseball team receive 11.7 scholarships, which by NCAA definition is fully funded, is simply abominable. Anybody recall when college D1 baseball program received 18 scholarships (before the NCAA brought their axe out.)
Just think about the recruiting potential.....
3 Minf players
3 Corners
4 Outfielders
2 catchers
4 starting pitchers
1 middle relief
1 closer

Compare this to fully funded NCAA D1 Womens' Fastpitch Softball who may roster only 11-13 players!

3 Outfielders
3 MInf
2 Corners
1 catcher
2 pitchers

3. It's not been that far in the past where the minor revenue producing men's sports
had substantial scholarship funding. Not so as had been since the late 80s'!

4. The recent 2000+ increase in D1 scholarships for men's minor revenue producing sports (across the country) are primarily due to
a. The addition of more scholarships for womens sports such as women’s water polo and women's cheerleading!
b. A two to four year commitment by the men's non-revenue producing sport for additional funds. (ie....Women Sports not required to raise funding.....)

Bottom Line:
NCAA D1 Football gets 84 scholarships.

NCAA D1 Men's Basketball gets 14 scholarships.

NCAA D1 Men's minor revenue producing sports typically get it in the end!

Last edited by Bear

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