Bear will be able to give you a more definitive answer but from what I saw, he's at a big disadvantage. UM is playing in the ACC but not on a level playing field. He does not have a full compliment of scholarships, maybe half and from their recruiting classes this is evident. The facility is great but admission is tough. If Duke and VT get better, there is only one spot available for UM, IMO.
Thanks. (I think) However, its easier going to one of my best friends for a root canal w/o novocaine, than attempt to answer most, if not all, of mdhsbbfan detailed questions.
Definitely, a brew or two, sit down (maybe toss in a medium rare NY Strip). Is mdhsbbfan buying?
One of the first questions that needs to be addressed is the number of Maryland High School players that go out of state. And we see this happening in the other sports as well. I think Penn State got 9 of the top 10 football players. Williams doesn't get Rudy ***. I know that admissions have stiffened recently but there are always exceptions made. To many good players leaving Maryland to play elsewhere.
I think the money is there at Maryland.I think Rupp lacks knowing what talent is.I watched him at the Southern Maryand Baseball Camp and in the fall recruiting a pitcher.Look at his roster and from what I expericed he only looks at kids 6 1 and over.You have to look at heart also not just size.
Strongly disagree about Farr's record at W&M. That team NEVER won much of anything until he came around. Not long into his tenure, they proposed doing away with baseball altogether. He saved the program, got them a first class stadium built, and won 30+ games lots of times with almost no budget nor support from the AD. Plus, he gave the O's Chris Ray as a closer prospect.
You can look on the VA Forum for more talk on why Farr was pushed out of W&M. As far as I'm concerned, the AD made a big mistake. I don't know for sure but have to believe the MD asst. job is a paycheck until he can find the right fit to manage again. Somebody's going to make out like a bandit on that one.
Midlo dad, Coach Farr put together a very good record at William & Mary. His work with pitchers was outstanding. He and his asst coaches recruited some excellant position players but the last couple of years did not seem to be able to take the team to the next level. It was time for him to move on in order to get re-energized and regain his enthusiasm. The last year at W&M was not pretty. You would think a team with 5 players who eventually signed pro contracts should have made the CAA Tournament.
The word got out early last year that it would be Farr's last season. Don't discount that as a factor in considering why a team might have underperformed. In any event, last year's .500 record would have been considered a Godsend in the pre-Farr era. That this now marks a downturn only demonstrates how far he took that program.
If getting to the next level is the test, it'll be interesting to see, with the new coaching team in place, whether W&M's next level is higher -- or lower.
It's tough to get but so high in the college game with no more scholarship money than W&M has to spend. And don't forget that the academics there rule out a goodly % of top prospects.
I'm interested in getting back to the original point mdhhsbbfan was making......why isn't UMD baseball more successful? They often don't even seem competitive in non-ACC games.
Seems like Coach Rupp has ample time. Not saying it's his fault, however, it would appear (from the outside)that many of the ingredients for success are, what gives?
UMD is competing in the ACC agains FSU, Clemson, NC State, Miami, Virginia, Wake Forest...who I believe are all Fully Funded with 11.7 Scholarships (I might be missing one, and WF I think is fully funded). UMD is not...I have nothing against Rupp but it's a tough job when you have I believe 6 full, and 2.5 more thought the Terripin Club...It's really tough to compete when the odds are stacked against you...
VJC - You may be right. Last year, they were 17-7 vs. non-ACC opponents and only 8-24 vs. ACC opponents.
As an outside observer,it just seems there ought to be a better record of success. Seems like a lot of turnover in the coaching assistants, too. Are they moving on to better schools?
I think in UMD situation, it's more of a Title IX issue...I think? That is why they know have scholarships for Cheerleading, which they have taken grief for. As for the assistants, I wouldn't want to comment as I'm sure I don't know the whole truth but I can say they got Farr from W&M, which I think is a great move. And Rupp built DII Tampa, I actually competed against them and they did a good job so I think it might be beyond "coaching" and more to do with the situation.
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