My freshman catcher went this weekend. We have very limited experience with this sort of camp. (0) But I must say, he learned a ton, and was never standing around. They seemed very well organized -- the kids moved like clockwork from one station to the next, and were very attentive and working hard. A couple of more experienced parents watching commented favorably on the new drills they were seeing.
This morning they took us all on a tour of the conditioning and sports med. building. Wow. I suppose all the D1 programs are impressive. But the water therapy (don't know what else to call it) area was really something. My son was amazed at the underwater treadmill. (I liked the water fall!)
There were, I think primarily juniors. Horton wasn't there this weekend -- his daughter was getting married. I haven't a clue how well they recognized talent. Though son was asked by a few coaches for his information, and they were disappointed he's only a freshman. So of course this mom thinks they must have good judgement
I'd be interested to hear from more experienced parents, and kids, what they thought.