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What is the proper way to set up an "unofficial" visit? My son has sent the player profile info sheet to the college, attended a Christmas camp and now would like to attend a weekend ball game with a chance to meet a coach or several members of the coaching staff. Not likely they know who he is at this point except by paper work.

Thank you.
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cbmom -
A visit to a prospective campus is always a must and IMO watching the coaching staff in action is an important evaluation step. Ideally the best time of the year for an unofficial campus visit is late summer and early fall when coaches are freer to spend time with your son to talk about their program. During the season they will probably be limited to a brief hello before game time. I suggest calling the coach in advance. We found calling during the early part of the week (Monday/Tuesday) seems to be the best time to catch them. Have your son do the calling. He should let them know of his interest in the program and plans to be on campus for a game. They will usually leave tickets for you at will call and let you know when they may have time for introductions. Good Luck! Cool
Last edited by RHP05Parent
Good advise from RHP05Parent.....son was very interested in a the southeast....but we, his Dad and I.....were very hesitant to send him across country for an unofficial visit....especially....if this school had no interest in we told him.....make the Coach....and if there is interest.....we'll consider it....well he did his part....he got Coach on the phone....and, yes....immediate interest....Coach followed up with baseball references son gave him.....and to make a long story short.....we sent him to their upcoming camp....he got to see the school, team, coaches.....they got to see him....he was on their radar screen......he played well (important too!), and he now goes to school there; is a member of the baseball team......

........and it started with a player calling a coach.....not always an easy thing for a kid to do....but.....we recommend it highly......
Last edited by LadyNmom

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