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Last Fri I saw a Google hit on my kid on the AAA International League preview that had him on the Yankee AAA roster. I was thinking to myself, nice job. He had been playing on the AAA team all Spring, traveled with the big team on a couple of occasions, so I thought all was well. An hour later he called and said he had been released. He said he had a great Spring, was not over matched, and felt be belonged. However, he said he couldn't be happier with the release because the Yanks have a log jam with RHP and the outlook for innings were thin for everyone. In the end, I don't think any MiLB pitchers went to the MLB roster, they signed some pitchers last fall from MLB rosters who will go to AAA, the AAA staff is stuffed and some moved down, 4 AA guys were sent to A+. In plain engish, 10 lbs of shet in a 5 lb bag.

He did say that the while most releases are sent to a "grim reaper" he was sent to the GM of player Development for the news. They said that his release was the most difficult because Ryan acted like a true Yankee on and off the field for years and instead of having him throw 30 innings this year it would be to his best interest to go elsewhere. Many of the guys that were retained wished they had been in his shoes because barring a lot of injuries, the year will be frustrating at best, and in many cases end up with a Fall release. He then followed up by saying that he thought Ryan will be AA by May with some other club. The GM also said that whether it was baseball related or not that he could always use him as a personal reference. Ryan said that he never felt more respected by anyone when the meeting ended. Ryan followed up with his agent who said he put the word out and had told Ryan not to unpack the car. I'm waiting anxiously to change that HSBBW avatar because it's proven with the old Yankee avatar, I can be bought. In the mean time I'll go with the daughters water ski team.

Ryan also commented that as a result of the release he never felt more committed to baseball and to press on. I was in "downer" mode and while I thought he would be also, I was so impressed that he took it like a man and will use it as a springboard to whatever happens. It's funny how sometimes a negative event occurs and you still bust out with pride. He will succeed.

A couple days later we were talking and he was saying that without an education to fall beck on he would probably be a "mess". He said many will be asking themselves....

Should I start school, or go back at 25?
Do I really want to go back to school with all those "kids"?
I never focused on school to begin with, will that change?
What do I really want to do?
Should I continue with the baseball dream with a release already in my pocket?
Where should I work so I can get by?
What do I do now?
Where have all the flowers gone?

Ryan smiled and said that besides the Yankee release in his pocket, he has 2 degrees stuffed in that same pocket which are taking up space. As a result of having a "plan B" he can still chase the "dream" and while he can focus on the "next target", he does not have the pressures many others do of what to do when that baseball door finally closes for good.

While many times the HSBBW old timers provide advise from experience and emphasize education, I can honestly say that nothing rings truer. I used to think there was nothing bigger than Family and Baseball. After a weekend of reflection I wonder if education is not the nutrition that those personal values thrive on. From K-12 to college I recommend that as a family, parents sit down with their sons often, and coaches, at all levels should do the same with their teams and emphasis the importance of school. Explain that every player may not have the make-up to be a scholar, but, that every player should focus on education as much as they focus on baseball, because in reality that is the future for at least 99%. Unfortunately some players will nod "yes" but blow it off because they think it is a pain in the a$$ to take a proactive approach, but, it's a lot better than looking at it from a hindsight when it becomes relevant.
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What you say is so true---my guy would not have his college degree if not for baseball---when he graduated he was not drafted but was offered a free agent deal--thanx to college he had a job waiting with Trump at his hotel in Florida--I had the same feeling regarding a mature young man on the phone when he said he was turning down the baseball deal because he knew his baseball as a pro might be short lived and the Trump offer would not be there in a year or two-- I think the education factor gives the player the ability to make a solid decision and choice and not look back

The education aids the maturity
Originally posted by justbaseball:
Hey rz. Nice post, well put. Good son of yours. Wink

Best to Ryan.

What he said!

I especially admired this part:
Ryan also commented that as a result of the release he never felt more committed to baseball and to press on. I was in "downer" mode and while I thought he would be also, I was so impressed that he took it like a man and will use it as a springboard to whatever happens. It's funny how sometimes a negative event and make you bust with pride. He will succeed.
Besides giving them some values, I always felt my secondary obligation to my kids, was providing them with the best opportunity I could for them to succeed in life. It's an ambiguous term, I know, but it's supposed to be, because all our kids have different talents and paths.

Nice job giving Ryan the tools for great opportunity. I really enjoyed the read also.

What a great attitude your son has! Determined, undeterred. Congratulations on raising a fine young man and competitor, I certainly look forward to hearing of his next step as he continues to follow his dream.

Your son will obviously remain successful regardless of what direction life takes him. He is well prepared.


That was a well written post and what a great message! Thanks for sharing it in such an elegant way. I will be sure my son, who I hope remains as balanced as yours apparently has, reads this and heeds the wisdom in the words.

Best of luck in the future to your Son.

Oh, by the way, I really didn't care much for that Yankee avatar and will be pleased to not have to lay eyes on it again. lol ... no offense intended!
He will succeed.

Having followed Ryan for several years, my belief is he already has succeeded and is a success, except, perhaps, in getting where he wants in baseball.
As they say, when you are are in Milb, you are playing for 30 teams, not just one. Ryan now gets to prove that is indeed correct and there is little doubt that he will.
Thank you for the update. Posts like the one you made, with the emotion for Ryan, for what happened, and which describes what professional baseball really is and is like, make this site a place I love to call home filled with posters I love to call "neighbor."
Last edited by infielddad
Sounds like he had a good attitude.

All teams need pitching and if he was good enough to 'almost' make the Yanks then he will be looked at by other clubs. If he wasn't so far away I'd have an associate scout from the Rays work him out. I know a couple of them. I know a Brewers scout too but they are all in the PNW.

I guess that he can always look at the fact that he did something that 99.9% of the people in this country will never do. Even if he never plays another game as a pro he can always look back on that with pride.
RZ1,as a person that knows Ryan personally I can say with certainty that Ryan will be sucessful in whatever his next venture is. I believe baseball will be involved someway, shape or form.I know of a small Wisconsin town that would loved to have him involved. My son thinks the world of him and so does Matt's dad. I for one feel privliged to know so a fine young man.He is the kind of role model most parents wish for their children.

Good Luck Ryan

Jeff Byars
rz1--that was one of the best posts I've ever read. For those of us with sons who are STILL chasing the dream, after set back after set back, those questions are good to be aware of. I'm going to send the post to one of mine, if you don't mind.

How proud you must be, heck, I am, too! that the GM personally told him and offered to be a reference for him. That says a lot.

I can't wait to read what's next for him......and really, I can't say it any better than Dad04---"Ya done good".

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