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Very funny - thanks for passing along! Hope it's as lucky for me, too.

BTW, PA Mom - I had a chance to use your 'Blue' phrase this weekend ("I've seen better Blue's in a box of crayons")... Don't know how the ump felt about it, but the fans all cracked up... (except my husband, who put his head in his hands and said loudly -- she needs to stay off the internet....) :-)!

Pay attention to the feedback that takes you where you want to go!
My favorite that actually 'got to' a PU was, "Can I appeal that call to your dog?"

Be careful with "You're missing a good game, Blue", though...he might answer with, "I know, I'm working this game instead!"

Big Grin

From 'Nice Guys Finish Last' by Leo Durocher:

Baseball lives at the center of a never-flagging whirl of irreconcilable opinions.
I wish I was as creative as others on this site, but am happy to learn from all. Here are some more for your consideration:

'Which one of you is the designated driver?'


'I thought only cattle slept standing up'


'I've had better calls from my ex-husband' -- (my husband will really flip when he hears that one...) biglaugh

Pay attention to the feedback that takes you where you want to go!
I love the name, too. Especially since oldest son is in the process of getting his umpire license. He will be calling some jr. high and JV baseball games this spring. I will have to remember to shout out,"URkillingmeblue!" Actually I may use it at home when he doesn't clean up my bathroom after shaving. pull_hair

"Every member of our baseball team at West Point became a general; this proves the value of team sports." --General Omar Bradley
Thanks for all the tips ladies. I am heading to my son's first home game series this weekend in VA. I have taken notes so I know which cat calls are appropriately disregarded by the umpire. Just to know that URK actually DOES say "URKilling Me Blue" does ones heart good! Wish us luck this weekend! I am so excited I am sure I won't sleep until I get there!

Okay, I admit that I took great pleasure in using one of UKMB's lines at a game last night (Sat). Field umpire missed a play at third base ... he was standing just inches away ... and I gave him the old "I thought only cattle slept standing up" line ... you will all be happy to know that it was one of the most popular umpire heckling lines of the night. Even my husband laughed ... and he doesn't often laugh at my humor.

So thanks for that one, Amelia ... it was a perfect fit to the situation and everybody enjoyed it immensely.

Sorry Ladies but I just had to throw one in here:
My wife owns a Doggie Playcare and Boarding business and she always seem to have dog biscuits in her jacket pocket. Last week at my son's game the first base ump missed an obvious call. My Mrs. stood up and pulled a biscuit out of her pocket and waives it in the air and yells at the ump, "I've got a biscuit for your seeing eye dog Blue if you change the call!!"

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