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Tie breaker rules for our group:

If Canada Beats Mexico, they are the 1st seed, and..

If US beats SA, they advance as the 2nd seed.
If US loses to SA, there is a 3 way tie at 1-2 between US, Mexico, and SA. US advances if they give up 6 or fewer runs to SA while they lose.

If Canada Loses to Mexico, then...

If US beats SA, there is a 3 way tie at 2-1 between Canada, Mexico, and US. Mexico advances, and the US advances if Canada gives up 3 or more runs while losing to Mexico. If Canada gives up 2 or less in their loss, Canada advances, with Mexico the first seed, with the US eliminated. US can be the first seed only if Mexico gives up 6 or more runs while beating Canada.

If US loses to SA, US is eliminated, there is a 3 way tie between Canada, Mexico, and SA. SA is eliminated unless Canada gives up at least 13 runs to Mexico. Mexico is the first seed.

Not to worry...Relax

...According to Olympic standards baseball is a minor sport played by a very limited number of countries...simply put, according to Olympic officials no one cares about baseball..

On the other hand....

The USA is making REAL progress (Torino Bronze!)in a sport that DOES (by Olympic standards) have a global following: curling... the next Olympics we'll get those

Cool 44
Last edited by observer44
I think we were spending too much time talking about, among other things, how the timing is wrong, the idea is bad, etc., etc. Now that the tournament is on, I think we're seeing that it is a pretty cool idea. I hope they do it again in four years. Baseball never will (nor should it) stop the season halfway to do this. The end of the season is bad due to injuries, fatigue, etc. Best time to do it would be at the end of spring training--last week of March and first week of April.

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