Tie breaker rules for our group:
If Canada Beats Mexico, they are the 1st seed, and..
If US beats SA, they advance as the 2nd seed.
If US loses to SA, there is a 3 way tie at 1-2 between US, Mexico, and SA. US advances if they give up 6 or fewer runs to SA while they lose.
If Canada Loses to Mexico, then...
If US beats SA, there is a 3 way tie at 2-1 between Canada, Mexico, and US. Mexico advances, and the US advances if Canada gives up 3 or more runs while losing to Mexico. If Canada gives up 2 or less in their loss, Canada advances, with Mexico the first seed, with the US eliminated. US can be the first seed only if Mexico gives up 6 or more runs while beating Canada.
If US loses to SA, US is eliminated, there is a 3 way tie between Canada, Mexico, and SA. SA is eliminated unless Canada gives up at least 13 runs to Mexico. Mexico is the first seed.