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So . . . it's not the medal round. It IS the first time USA YNT has beaten Cuba since the Gold Medal game of 2000. How about a couple of attaboys from you for the players AND the USA Baseball folks. And if they lose to Cuba later, they still beat them yesterday. Even you can't take that away. I'm not sure Mexico will be an easy win either. And the USA team has lots of pitching left. Weber (not Webber), yes, but they have 5 other good pitchers that haven't seen the field yet. Come on Willie, give it up for the good ole US of A. I know, it's a long step down off that soapbox, but you can do it!
WB - I agree with you about not stopping until the job is done. Believe me, they are not stopping. I assure you, they feel the pressure and know that "it's on." I don't think a little applause will lead to them "resting on their laurels." You are digging a deeper hole, WB. When and if the Gold is around their necks, no one is going to want your congratulations. Your cynicism has made any future accolades from you seem hollow and meaningless. Just what do you think you are doing to "keep USA Baseball's feet to the fire."? Do you think your grousing is responsible for any of the improvements that may or may not have taken place at USA Baseball or that may or may not take place in the future? I doubt it. You will not be able to claim any credit for any medal they win, just as you don't have to be responsible for any medals not won. I find myself wondering if you are secretly hoping the the USA loses just to support all your hooey about how baseball in the USA is going to hell in a handbasket. If they win Gold, it sure is inconvenient for your theory, now isn't it? Please say it ain't so, Willie. Just say, "Congratulations, guys."

p.s. USA 8, Mexico 0 in the 8th inning.
I'm not eating crow or downing US ballplayers. The boys know that winning in pool play is not winning the ring or trophy.

As I have stated quite often, it isn't me who has the MLB with 27% foreign ball players and the minors 46% foreign ball players, it is the MLB.

As far as USA Baseball is concerned, they know that they are doing a poor job in recent years. They know they have squandered their existence since 1978. They should be a well known organization, but they aren't.

Maybe next year, they'll manage to include more ball players from across the nation in the tournaments for the YNT. Maybe they'll even scout some ball players from the named organizations who sponsor teams in the Tournament of Stars.

They have been very lax in their efforts.
Last edited by Quincy
My grousing has already had effect in this era of the blog and message board. Many people have come to be aware of USA Baseball and the poor job that they have done in their stated goals since 1978.

The problems with baseball were made glaringly obvious in the World Baseball Clasic when the foreign players left to play for their home countries.

Again, while I am always rooting for the USA, I don't celebrate in pool play.

I have met and talked to four of the boys on the team from this area and they are well aware of this fact.

I gave them the age old baseball advice. To the fielders, catch it before you throw it. To the pitchers, stay ahead in the count and keep the ball in the park. When batting, only swing at strikes.

They seem to have a beter grasp of my viewpoint than many adults on the board.
I think that USA try's to put the best team avaliable on the Field, up until they get to the national team.
Then the best player's are all spread out and it's hard to bring them together for a committment to USA baseball.
I think you see that in the Basketball right now.
They want committed Player's for the Duration.
"USA Baseball gives the data on their abysmal record of capturing gold against tiny island nations."


Facts: In the past 6 years, the US has won Gold 3 times and Cuba has won Gold 3 times. Cuba is the only nation that has beaten the US that qualifies as a "tiny island nation." Your quote would lead people to believe that there are other "tiny island nations" that have beaten the US. Not true. There is no other island nation, tiny or otherwise, to which the USA has lost a YNT game. Period. (The other losses were one each to Korea and Venezuela, in pool play back in '97 and '98. Even you must know that Korea and Venezuela aren't tiny and aren't islands. And to be precise, Cuba is a group of islands with a population over 11 million.)

That's one nation. One nation where school is optional after 6th grade (or perhaps not even an option at all) and where baseball might just be the only avenue for a young man to better his circumstances. I'm sure an average salary equivalent to $10/month is incentive enough for some to practice night and day, regardless of whether they ever learn to read or write. Of course that's not true in the USA. These USA players are all good students with bright futures on or off the field. You really can't compare the two situations. They bear no resemblance to each other.

If, for whatever reasons, personal or otherwise, you are unhappy about the way USA baseball chooses their teams, that's one thing, but you really don't have a leg to stand on in criticizing the YNT's won/loss record. You sound more and more like someone with a personal ax to grind hiding behind the excuse that they are saving baseball from the bad guys.
What I have said is that USA Baseball makes little effort in selecting the players for our national teams

Life for the American ballplayer does not evolve around the USA National teams, and that's what freedom of choice is all about. The thought that USA Baseball makes little effort in selecting the players for our national teams is not thought out well. In the Latin countries the best players are thrown into the selection process whether they want to or not, in the US you are invited to tryout and it is your choice to attend. Yes there are some that are overlooked but regardless of who is selecting players there will be someone overlooked. Player selection is a full time job that is handled by people that live for the game. Don't rip them because maybe the best talent has decided to take this one off.
Last edited by rz1
You obviously are not familiar with USA Baseball.

The YNT was formed in 97 I'm pretty sure. What took 20 years to form a team at that age level?

I speak of the entire history of USA Baseball. They are not some organization that just sprang on the scene. They were created in 78 by an act of Congress. Their combined tally of gold medals is abysmal.

You forgot about Taiwan as a tiny island nation.

You seem to be the one who has the personal axe to bear. You speak from an ill-informed position. You present a partial record to attempt to give credence to a failed organization. The record speaks for itself.

Since USA Baseball was founded, the USA teams have never been a dominant force in international play. Foreign players were once a novelty. Now they are farmed in their home nations.

I give USA Baseball credit for admitting they have been a failure at marketing themselves, their goals and the teams they have selected. They finally handed over marketing to MLB with the guarantee of $10 million a year.

I'll be watching to see if that $10 million is invested in the teams and the game.
I am going to lock this thread and ask that WillieBobo cease his negative posts on this topic. This site exists to encourage, inform and help baseball players and their parents, with the emphasis on encouragement. I think most of us are open to respectful debate in our forums, but it is unfortunate when a single member with a negative agenda seems to take over one of our forums with negativity.

Members are welcome of course to continue to discuss the accomplishments of our USA Youth National Team, but it seems from the feedback of many members in this thread and others, that the negative side of that opinion has been covered enough. There are lots of other sites where conflict and controversy are the prevailing theme, but the people who build, support and maintain this site don't choose for that to be the focus here.

Board Manners
Last edited by MN-Mom
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