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Night and day from last weeks USC team. If things hold out there will be some silly arguments concerning pairing for the National Champinship next month

Regardless of the USC-UCLA outcome the big question is How good is Notre Dame? and does the cliche "its not what you are, it's who you are" fall into into the equation? I'm afraid that some team that is very worthy will be left out for a school with a dome from IN. Its a sad statement on who really runs the NCAA.
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I grew up watching NotreDame football replays on Sunday mornings. If I remember right, thats a time that they were getting their Arse kicked by most teams they played, but they were still on the tube every week.

When I think about it now I feel it was part of a successful mind programming experiment sponsored by the US government and Catholic church. Now you can't stop it, you can only hope to contain it.
Year after year the most overrated team in college football. Last year--no wins over ranke teams. This year--no wins over ranked teams. Slaughtered both times this year. Slaughtered in the Fiesta Bowl last year. Slaughtered by Oregon STate before that. C'mon. This is all about money. They do not deserve to be in a BCS bowl. ND is the biggest reason that there should be a playoff. They'd never see the inside of that tournament.

I feel better now.

Agree with you, Holden.

ND can go 11-1 every year and be in National Championship contention every year. They have a huge media following, no matter who they play!

All they need to do is continue scheduling Army, Navy, Air Force, Duke, Northwestern, Purdue, Michigan State, Stanford, Pittsburgh, San Diego State...and then in even-numbered years, the Little Sisters of the Poor.
Last edited by BeenthereIL
I would like to see the USC's and Miami's of the world try to excel while holding to the strict academic standards that ND has set forth. ND has taken scholarships away from talent the likes of Randy Moss and Dwayne Jarret. They have removed players like Julius Jones from the team for academic reasons. In a world where coaches and programs do anything they can to let "student" athletes slide by while talking ballroom dancing (Matt Leinert)or let criminals overrun their programs (Miami), Notre Dame has held its ground. I commend them for that. Notre Dame has to thrive under the spotlight with the most talented team that they can put on the field, which usually consists of students that were in the top 10% of their HS class. They could easily return to the glory days, but they would have to sell their souls to do it. For a group of people that always talk about how important the word student is in student athlete, I would expect more of you to appreciate that,

I used to hear the same thing from UVA fans as to why they couldn't field decent football teams because of their "high academic standards", which was a lot of hooey. Notre Dame surely has some scholar athletes, which I applaud, but if you think every football player is close to the ND 1369 SAT average for incoming freshmen, think again. USC has an average SAT of 1370, but do all of their guys come close to that? Not hardly.

Only at the Ivies, and similar schools, such as William and Mary for example, do you see little deviation between the athletes' averages, in particular football, and those of the student body. Similar SAT averages between football teams and the student bodies are not likely to be found at any team ranked in the top 25 nationally. Poor Duke and Stanford won one game between them this year...but nice future with those degrees.

(p.s. an article in The Observer on line says this year's Notre Dame recruiting class had an average SAT of 1024, not bad but certainly way below the norm.
Last edited by hokieone
I agreee with your whole post but detractors would say it is the National Football Championships and not the academic college bowl. Instead of comparing the schools at the top there should be an academic median enforced. The high academic schools picked their poison (academics) and should live within the football standards. Bottom line what is more important, a pigskin or a golden sheepskin.
Last edited by rz1
excellant points. What I wish ND would do is join the big 10 so that it would put some of the subjectivity to rest. They already play Michigan, Purdue, Penn State and Michigan State, they may as well just make it official. The only problem there is that as long as they have their TV deal, they won't share the money, and i think they would be foolish to. They made 61 million dollars last year, the only way I see them joining a conference is if they scrap the BCS in favor of a playoff where you have to win the conference title to play. We shall see...
Notre Dame plays a pretty soft schedule. The only two ranked teams they played - Michigan and USC- both clocked 'em. Ucla had 'em beat but the luck of the Irish.....

Notre Dame rests on its laurels and history. It no longer attracts enough top athletes and certainly not the "speed" type.

In polls and bowls they get every break possible
and their continued "independence" and favorable money/TV deals they get are, IMO, an insult to the rest of the schools in college football.

ND, in recent years, has been hammered in bowl games. They play all the service academies and usually the lower rung teams of the Big 10. The Knute Rockne days are looooooooooooooooong gone, but they still get that type of respect, which has been typically undeserved.

As far as SC vs. UCLA. The Trojans showed up to that game thinking they had already won, gave ucla no respect and had absolutely no offensive game plan.

I think Florida is clearly the choice to lose to Ohio State.
The fix for the BCS is Sen. Byrd of West Virginia:

First, we need WVU to get hosed by the BCS. Byrd, who has half of the moveable objects and 90% of the immovable objects in West Virginia named after him, has enough political clout that he'll threaten the NCAA with loss of their tax-exempt status, and he can get it done, unless a playoff system happens el pronto. I guarantee the BCS will get changed so fast your polls will spin...
Originally posted by spinedoc:
I would like to see the USC's and Miami's of the world try to excel while holding to the strict academic standards that ND has set forth.

To put it in pleasant terms, I'd like to respecfully disagree with pretty much every single thing you said. I won't get into a spitting contest but I will suggest this - Notre Dame needs to decide what they want to be; an elite academic institution or an elite footbal program. Clearly they can't be both as evidenced by their perfromances against other elite football teams.

And you think the answer to their problems is to join the Big 10? They had the chance and laughed it off. Who's laughing now? If a playoff became a reality and they were in the Big 10, it would be years before they sniffed the opportunity for a league championship. They'd have more luck in the Mid American Conference.
C,mon Spindoc - Cal Berkeley, my university, is the finest public school in the U.S., and has fielded a pretty decent football team under current coach Jeff Tedford. Don't attack all athletes and universities by hiding behind gradepoint or the transgressions of a few. The fact is that for the last 9 years, ND schedules easy opponents, gets a high ranking, and then gets clocked in bowl games. That is THEIR fault. They are not horrible, but only a middle of the road bowl team.
Originally posted by Beezer:

And you think the answer to their problems is to join the Big 10? They had the chance and laughed it off. Who's laughing now? If a playoff became a reality and they were in the Big 10, it would be years before they sniffed the opportunity for a league championship. They'd have more luck in the Mid American Conference.

I can tell you who is laughing right now, the school that made 61 million dollars last year. There isn't a team in the nation that would share the bowl and TV money that ND gets by joining a conference, not one.

Are they overrated, yes. What would you like them to do about it, turn down a BCS bowl if they are offered it. Sounds like more of a NCAA problem, not a ND problem.
NYdad...You must be an ND grad.

2007 Notre Dame Football Schedule

Sept. 8 at Penn State-GOOD TEAM
Sept. 15 at Michigan-GOOD TEAM
Sept. 29 at Purdue-HAMBURGER
Nov. 24 at Stanford-HAMBURGER

2008 Notre Dame Football Schedule
Sept. 20 at Michigan State-HAMBURGER
Oct. 11 at North Carolina-HAMBURGER
Oct. 18 Open Date-likely to schedule Little Sister of the Poor
Oct. 25 at Washington-HAMBURGER
Nov. 8 at Boston College-HAMBURGER
Nov. 15 at Navy (Baltimore)HAMBURGER
Nov. 29 at USC-GOOD TEAM

They will go 9-3 in 2007 and 10-2 in 2008, even if I coached them and I don't know much about college football except to play the parlay cards regularly.

The reason why they lose all the bowl games is simply because they have too many patsies on their schedule year in and year out; and, they play good teams during the Bowl games.

I don't think any D1 can break ND's record now of 9 consecutive Bowl game losses.

I'm waiting for them to add Northwestern to their schedule.

They still live in their glory days of the 30's and 40's....60-70 years ago.....trying to convince everyone that they have a top-notch (Top 10-15 teams in the Nation each year) program. They don't.

However...They make so much money in their football program that it really doesn't matter who they play, they still make millions.
Ohio State
BuckeyesBuckeyes Poll Rank
BCS AP Fan Poll FOXSports
#1 #1 #1 #1

Team Front Roster Schedule/Results Team Report Player Stats

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Week Date Opponent Result Coverage
2 Sat., Sep 2 Northern Illinois W 35-12 (Hamburger)
3 Sat., Sep 9 @Texas W 24-7
4 Sat., Sep 16 Cincinnati W 37-7 (Hamburger)
5 Sat., Sep 23 Penn State W 28-6
6 Sat., Sep 30 @Iowa W 38-17 (Hamburger)
7 Sat., Oct 7 Bowling Green W 35-7 (Hamburger)
8 Sat., Oct 14 @Michigan State W 38-7 (Hamburger)
9 Sat., Oct 21 Indiana W 44-3 (Hamburger)
10 Sat., Oct 28 Minnesota W 44-0 (Hamburger)
11 Sat., Nov 4 @Illinois W 17-10 (Hamburger)
12 Sat., Nov 11 @Northwestern W 54-10 (Hamburger)
13 Sat., Nov 18 Michigan W 42-39
Week Date Opponent Time (ET)
Bowl Mon., Jan 8 BCS Championship Florida 8:15 PM ET
GatorsGators Poll Rank
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#2 #2 #2 #7

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Week Date Opponent Result Coverage
2 Sat., Sep 2 Southern Miss W 34-7 (Hamburger)
3 Sat., Sep 9 UCF W 42-0 (Hamburger)
4 Sat., Sep 16 @Tennessee W 21-20
5 Sat., Sep 23 Kentucky W 26-7 (Hamburger)
6 Sat., Sep 30 Alabama W 28-13 (Hamburger)
7 Sat., Oct 7 LSU W 23-10
8 Sat., Oct 14 @Auburn L 27-17
10 Sat., Oct 28 Georgia W 21-14
11 Sat., Nov 4 @Vanderbilt W 25-19 (Hamburger)
12 Sat., Nov 11 South Carolina W 17-16 (Hamburger)
13 Sat., Nov 18 Western Carolina W 62-0 (Hamburger)
14 Sat., Nov 25 @Florida State W 21-14 (Hamburger)
15 Sat., Dec 2 Arkansas W 38-28
Week Date Opponent Time (ET)
Bowl Mon., Jan 8 BCS Championship @Ohio State 8:15 PM ET
Originally posted by spinedoc:
I can tell you who is laughing right now, the school that made 61 million dollars last year.

No you can't fault ND for taking what's been handed to them on a silver platter; a fat NBC tv contract and a full BCS share. But I think going forward, as the smoke clears from the mirrors and the kool-aid the BCS, the media and NBC executives drank wears off, things will change unless ND turns the program around. The BCS has already reduced their payout share from a full share to a flat rate.

My biggest contention is that many ND fans aren't willing to admit that recent years have been less than stellar. They scream how superior ND is yet can't beat ranked teams. Like I said before, they need to choose if they're going to compete with the Ivy's in the classroom or the elite football teams on the field. But unless things change, they can't do both.

And somebody compared ND to the Yankees which really irked me as a Yankee fan because the Yankees actually win. Wink
Originally posted by NYdad:
ND schedules easy opponents

That may be the most ridiculous statement I have ever read on this website.

You're absolutely right. When Notre Dame adds the Coast Gurad Academy to the schedule, along with Army, Navy and Air Force, THEN you can say the schedule is easy......right???

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