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I did not see a thread on this anywhere--apologize if I missed it in another forum. In any case:

The Wolforth Family Suspended by the USSSA

Yes, you read the headline correctly. The Wolforth family has been suspended by the USSSA.

How in the world did that happen you may ask...

Well, thanks to Richard Todd, you can read the whole story on Webball via the following link and actually vote your opinion on the situation.

Or listen to the story on The Wolforth's weekly Let's Talk Baseball... radio podcast:'s-talk-baseball-with-ron-and-jill-wolforth/3926 <>

In short: At the USSSA Elite 32 World Series in Orlando Florida, the USSSA instituted a 3 pitch warm-up maximum for all pitchers... including for those pitchers coming in to pitch in the middle of an inning from a position on the field....claiming the such a rule change was within the individual umpire's and USSSA's discretion to do so.

Coach Wolforth was infuriated. He wrote a formal letter to USSSA CEO DeDonatis explaining how the speed up rules placed youth pitchers at unnecessary risk of injury.

First USSSA attorney David Evaul told Coach Wolforth via an e-mail that he checked with tournament officials and no such event ever took place. In essence...that Coach didn't know what he was talking about.

After Coach described in detail his conversations with the umpire and tournament director in question...the USSSA ended all communication directly with Coach Wolforth. Instead they involved Mike Williams, the Coach of his son's 11 year old team, and told him to reign in Coach Wolforth or The Wolforth's were going to be suspended and possibly the entire team. The USSSA representative did admit that the 3 pitch rule was a wrong call and that the USSSA would definitely be looking into it at the September meetings.

A subsequent call later in the week signaled a significant shift in USSSA strategy. Obviously the attorney's had since visited with the USSSA official. The tenor of the conversation had changed dramatically and the USSSA's new point was the entire handling of the event was wrong from OUR end. The team should have protested the 3 pitch rule... And we needed to write a formal letter to the USSSA saying that the Wolforth's have no interest in litigation. And furthermore, while the USSSA will visit the issue at the September change in policy could be promised.

Coach Wolforth sent an-email stating that he and his family has no interest currently nor ever had an interest in litigation. They simply wanted the USSSA to get the ridiculous rule out and for it to go the way of the dinosaur... forever extinction.

Two days later, USSSA counsel Evaul wrote Coach Wolforth to inform him his letter was insufficient, that Wolforth would not dictate policy to the USSSA and that he and his family were officially banned from ALL USSSA events until they get an acceptable letter from Wolforth's legal counsel saying he would not sue the USSSA.

Coach Wolforth's Official Position:

In my 50 years of life I have never been suspended from anything but for the record I'm proud to be suspended by such an arrogant and unresponsive organization. The high handedness and strong arm tactics of USSSA attorney David Evaul was truly breathtaking. If the USSSA used such tactics on a person who simply reveals real blemishes of their system and the subsequent risks to young people and is obviously far more expert in pitching health than anyone in their organization, you could just imagine how the average mother or father with an issue would be treated.

I feel bad that my son's team will be limited on tournaments by the USSSA's belligerent handling of their shortcomings, but on the other hand...if the USSSA insists on placing young people at risk and arrogantly rejects any scrutiny... let alone criticism is better our young people have nothing what so ever to do with the organization.

I have absolutely no confidence what so ever that the USSSA will do the right thing on their own. It will only be through the weight of overwhelming pressure that the likes of David Evaul and the executives at the USSSA will make any changes to USSSA's arrogance and blatant disregard for the health of young arms...all with the goal of simply keeping the trains running on time and generating more revenue.

So I'm asking you to read up on this issue...and if you agree with the Wolforth's stand...voice your opinion to Mr. DeDonatis of the USSSA via an email voicing your opinion at WE believe it's time to take a stand against this type of madness. That is the only way things will truly change.

The Wolforth's also invite you to join us each week at Let's Talk Baseball. It's fun, it's funny and we hope... educational. Join us each week at:'s-talk-baseball-with-ron-and-jill-wolforth/3926 <>


Ron & Jill Wolforth
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