This thread is the exact reason papers hate to cover high school sports. For the record, I do not work for the paper in question.
Game coverage and especially features on teams are almost always boring. Blow half a reporter's day covering a HS game and the parents of 42 other high schools are upset you didn't cover their game. If pictures are taken, it's 10 times worse.
Featurize a team and, if you don't run the team picture (which is fine for the scrapbook, but worthless for a newspaper), some parents of the team are upset. And almost all the parents of every other competitive team in every other sport is upset because you didn't do their team.
Feature a player, whether or not the facts are accurate and true, and you'll start a healthy backstabbing debate. But it least we accomplished that much.
We try to identify the players who are/will be ones to watch at the next level, whatever that might be. We also try to do stories on kids who overcome, for lack of a better word, stuff to become standouts in their own way.
Most of the time, the stories are well received by the general public. Sometimes, they spawn other good story ideas. But the downside is they always put somebody's nose out of joint.