Just because a guy played bb for a few years in the minors, doesnt mean he can relate to teaching the game. Yea, some people think that makes the credible, its not.
Response: we are on the same page here I said his credibility goes up and parenthetically states right or wrong because I also believe that is not a safe presumption but most do
And you cant always go back to school. Add in a wife home with two young kids and its pretty hard to go back to school and earn a living. No you cant always get your degree. But it sure is a bit easier if you only have a semester or 2 left.
Response: if you sign for 4mil bonus have all the kids you want. My statement was more geared to the 20th round pick signing for a $5000 bonus and a pack of sunflower seeds if this guy decides to get married and have two kids on a minor league salary I am afraid I can not help him. If you are smart and delay those life decisions a few years then just like a friend of mine did you can go get your education a few years late - oh and I believe I mentioned before I did not get my degree til age 27 you certainly can always get an education
Reality is the odds are way against you. The only milb guys who make money are the guys who once put in years in mlb.
Response: the passage was about making money AFTER the brief minor league career.
I am wondering how many guys will be drafted from Wisconsin next week?
Response: Not sure how this is relevant?? Perhaps it's just question. My answer is... I don't know.
I know a player who was and played a few years in mlb but he went to college first.
Response: if that is what was best for him then that is exactly what he should have done. But it's not what is best for everyone. Everyone has to make their own decision based on their life goals and what's right for them.