6oz-82mph. 5oz-85.5. 4oz-87mph
6oz-82mph. 5oz-85.5. 4oz-87mph
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6oz-82mph. 5oz-85.5. 4oz-87mph
How old are you and what is your size? My son did this program (Jamie Evans program, right?) in July/August of 2013 (so, almost exactly 2 years ago) when he was a 15YO rising sophomore in HS, standing 6' 2" and 185 lb. Here were his before and after results:
6 Oz - 75, 5 Oz - 80, 4 Oz - 84, 2 Oz - 89
After (10 week program):
6 Oz - 79, 5 Oz - 84, 4 Oz - 87, 2 Oz - 92
Fast forward to today, and he:
- stands 6' 3", 210 lbs.
- sits 87-88 mph, hits 89 fairly regularly and touched 90 mph for the first time about a week ago
- and his instructors have a goal for him to touch 92 by October.
Note: he has worked extremely hard, year round and not just on the weighted ball stuff; in fact, that is a very minor part of what he does.
Hope this helps.
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Thursday, July 30, 2015, 12:25 PM -0400 from HS Baseball Web <alerts@hoop.la>:
Thursday, July 30, 2015, 12:25 PM -0400 from HS Baseball Web <alerts@hoop.la>:
I'm 5'11 175 and I'm 20 , currently trying to gain some more weight and muscle and get stronger in the weight room and core . His results are awesome , he came a long way!
Btw...at the time that he did the program, he was topping out at 81 mph on the mound.
Also, I note that you did not throw the 2 Oz ball. Maybe that is not part of the program that you are doing, but it was described to us that that was a measurement of what one's max, ultimate potential could be (at or above that). In my son's case, it appears that it is/was/will be at least close. If you threw the 4 Oz 87 mph, I would guess you'd throw the 2 Oz at least 90 mph so with some hard work (especially strengthening of the scaps...which is what the weighted ball program primarily does...as I understand it), well...there you go. Good luck.
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Thursday, July 30, 2015, 12:48 PM -0400 from HS Baseball Web <alerts@hoop.la>:
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Thursday, July 30, 2015, 12:48 PM -0400 from HS Baseball Web <alerts@hoop.la>:
I will leave that to the pros. As an old friend of mine says, "I've already told you more than I know." Here is one from Eric Cressey, and I would look up his program for sure as it is well known and one of the best. https://youtu.be/W4h4DuUxaQs I have actually seen my son do this exercise but there are several others.