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Have read in other posts on this site as well as other sites can generally expect to see around a 3mph increase per year in High School. Have noticed also some like Bum's son jumped 9 mph between Sophomore & Junior year. Just wondering what those that have experienced such a jump attribute the increase? Whether less behind in physical development prior to jump or just hard work? Have heard can see a jump around the time they need to start shaving but have no idea whether it's true.
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Bum, Jr. long-tossed nearly every day, even in the offseason.  In the middle of the winter he'd be throwing indoors against a concrete racquetball court wall at my health club.  He lifted four times weekly (avoiding overhead moves) and did plyometric training four times weekly.  He did cardio 5x a week, and took Creatine to help with the training.  He had mechanical instruction with a former AA player and D1 pitching coach as well as his travel coach.  That was usually 3 bullpens a week.  Other than that, I have no idea. 

Last edited by Bum

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