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Love it! Since I shut down my cable service after the election to wean myself off of bad news 24/7 I have been relegated to Netflix.

I think I have watched every baseball movie out there by now. Some are pretty bad with horrible acting, lol! Saw one last night that had a Christian theme that was especially bad in the acting category, lol. Good message and it was baseball so I suffered through it.

This is the longest off season that I have had to endure since tee ball! And at least in previous off seasons I would work with my son, or accompany him to training and lessons.

Those days are gone and my contact revolves around the occasional help with short term cash flows for gas or food!

I am looking forward to Spring Training which does not begin for my son before sometime in March I think...

Clearly it is time to reallocate my free time to the yard and fishing. Redfish and Trout should be up the creeks with this cold weather that has moved in here in Florida. They are easy to find once they head up the creeks, if your boat can reach them.

Anyway, this is what all you folks with players in HS and College have to look forward to, even with the best scenario where your son gets the opportunity to play beyond college. It is an adjustment that does not come easy. So do take the time to enjoy these years of HS and College ball.

They do fly by.

We are excited about this next season for our son, but it is so different from what we have been used to as far as our ability to watch and enjoy.

In a way I suppose what we experience is similar to what parents that send their sons off to colleges hundreds of miles away experience, that physical distance that prevents them from watching Fall Scrimmages, or catching every game in season.

It is still new to me.

Best of luck to all your sons this coming season, I pray that they stay healthy and get every opportunity that they have earned to play the game we have all grown to love!
Floridafan .... Here's a list site for you.

100 best sports movies

Here's a site where you can find a lot of movies from the 1920s to current. Up front I'll warn you there are popups for Russian brides and picking up women.


Do not download anything even if it says to. Just find a link that works. You will also find a lot of stuff that is only on premium cable.

For almost any sporting event in the world try this site. Same rule about popups and downloads.


These sites will load but not work with Explorer or Safari. Use Chrome or Firefox for Windows and Puffin or Photon for Apple? I only have an iPad for Apple products. If someone has a Mac maybe they can clarify any issues with Safari and Flash. Flash does not exist on Safari on the iPad.

This is the ROI I'm getting on the college education investment.
Last edited by RJM

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