This is the e-mail I sent to the Chair of the VHSL Programs and Policy Committee with proposed edits for 2014. I would be very surprised if they use it since it did not originate internal to VHSL. In the VHSL, the idea is far less important than the source.
Last edits...
I hate to do this, but every time I look at this rule I see more questions or ways to get around it (see the end of this e-mail for more detail). A couple of things would help tighten it down.
- In the main body of the rule, instead of saying the pitcher "shall have two calendar days rest from competition pitching", just say up front that the pitcher "shall have four calendar days rest from competition pitching".
- Then list the early return options as exceptions. This establishes the requirement for four days up front.
- Then to reinforce, specify how many days of rest are required following each early return option
- Add an "or" between the options so someone doesn't try to exercise both options back to back.
- Define what a day of rest is since there have been issues with that this last year
At the end of this e-mail are some of the questions someone could come up with, I'm sure there are more, and I'm sure I will think of more as soon as I hit send on this e-mail.
Recommend the following edits, disregard earlier recommended edits:
56-4-2 Pitching Regulations-For the purposes of this rule, delivery of one pitch in a game constitutes having pitched in one inning and having pitched in competition. In addition, days of rest are days in which the pitcher does not pitch in competition. The following provisions apply to regular season as well as post season play.
(1) - (3) no change
(4) If a pitcher pitches four to seven innings in one day that pitcher shall have four two calendar days of rest from competition pitching beginning with the day following the first day a pitch is thrown. Options for limited early return to pitching include: Further restrictions regarding this section include:
(a) After two days of rest a pitcher may pitch a maximum of one to two innings followed by two days of rest before pitching in competition; or,
(b) After three days of rest a pitcher may pitch a maximum of one to three innings followed by one day of rest before pitching in competition.
(c) Only aAfter four days of rest may a pitcher may pitch to the limit of the rule.
[Edit note: if you want to give the pitcher credit for earning an additional day of rest for the early return, add an additional day of rest following the early return. For example, 4 days for pitching the 4-7 innings, plus another day for pitching 1-3 as part of the early return. It makes sense to me since the early return interrupts the recovery process, and probably sets it back a day or two in my opinion.]
(5) If a pitcher pitches in eight or nine innings in one day that pitcher shall have five three calendar days of rest from competition pitching beginning with the day following the first day a pitch is thrown. Options for limited early return to pitching include:
(a) After three days of rest a pitcher may pitch a maximum of one to two innings followed by two days of rest before pitching in competition; or,
(b) After four days of rest a pitcher may pitch a maximum of one to three innings followed by one day of rest before pitching in competition.
(c) Only aAfter five days of rest may a pitcher may pitch to the limit of the rule.
Questions that the 2013 Rule raises, especially if you're trying to get around it.
2013 Policy:
“If a pitcher pitches four to seven innings in one day that pitcher shall have two calendar days of rest from competition pitching beginning with the day following the first day a pitch is thrown. Further restrictions regarding this section include:
- After two days of rest a pitcher may pitch a maximum of two innings. - After three days of rest a pitcher may pitch a maximum of three innings.
- After four days of rest a pitcher may pitch to the limit of the rule.”
Questions that would require a VHSL interpretation, and therefore, should be addressed by edits to the rule:
a. The two early return restrictions that say "maximum of two innings", or, "maximum of three innings", does that include pitching just one inning?
I think the intent was 1-2 innings and 1-3 innings, but this question came up last year.
b. After returning to pitching early (after two days rest or after three days rest) how many days rest do I need in order to pitch again?
I believe the intent is that a total of 4 days rest is required before pitching again. So after executing the early return option after two days rest, you can't pitch again for two more days. After executing the early return option after three days rest, you can't pitch again for one more day.
c. If I'm not pitching to the limit do I still need four days of rest?
Yes, I believe the intent was not specific to pitching to the limit, but simply that a total of four days of rest are required.
d. Can I execute both early return options since the rule doesn't specifically say one or the other? For example, can I pitch 7, return early after two days rest and pitch 2, then rest one day more (total of three) and pitch 3?
I think the intent was that one option or the other be available, but not both.