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My husband is a professional photographer, but we did our son's video — both editing and shooting — on my iphone. You can download i-movie for about $6 to your phone. If you're really uncomfortable, see if your high school has a video class and a student who might help you out. Or almost any high school student who can keep his or her hand steady probably could do it.

Iowamom23, you took "the words right out of my mouth"...or rather keystroke from my fingertips! Any journalism/videographer student should be able to handle this...maybe even someone from a nearby college. Run 30 mins to an hour or so, edit to 3-5-7 minutes. Tape from several different angles. 

I'm not tech savvy....but I was able to video my son on my I phone, with the help of a kid that could throw good BP...  I then downloaded and learned to use movie maker.  Took some effort but we've been pleased with the results.  And once you learn it, it's fairly easy to download further videos. 

Learn to do it... you'll be happier in the long run....coaches love videos in every email vs all the verbiage.

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