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I am going to be helping a new 11u team get itself organized, up and running this fall.

In looking to schedule games, I see several 11u weekend tourneys offered at Va. Sports Complex in Caroline County.

Can anyone offer the benefit of their experiences in youth weekend tourneys at VSC?

Are they well run?
How many teams are there typically?
What kind of scheduling/formats do they use?
Any special rules? 70/50 dimensions or what?

And anything else you feel someone in our position would want to know. Thanks!
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My son's teams have played in a few tournaments at VSC and he is playing there again this weekend. The fields are always nice and the tournaments have been well run. I'm pretty sure they have two 50/70 fields and I know they have four regular size 60/90 fields. The four fields back up to each other with a concession stand in the middle. It gets a little dicey with the foul balls sometimes. The only down side I can think of is there is about a 1/2 mile gravel road in the complex to the fields and the ruts in the road can really shake you up driving in and out. Wear a mouthpiece driving in and out and your teeth should be okay.Smile

They have a cloverleaf of small (45/60 and 50/70) fields as well as a cloverleaf of 60/90 fields.

The tourneys are run fairly well and they usually draw pretty well. This time of year, however, teams are either shutting down or heading to Nationals. Attendance will probably be a little low. Call the VSC Staff to find out who is coming.
2011 son has played there on several occasions. The fields & facilities are the nicest around (except for RF&P). We first played there when the complex was new & there were glitches that were mostly field maintenance issues. The last couple we have played there have run smoothly as I think they have gotten all of the kinks out. The number of teams vary but there seem to be a lot of teams during the fall season. I agree with golfball about the drive in (don't wash your car beforehand). There is no shade (except over the dugouts) so sunshades for spectators is highly recommended.

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