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Try looking up and you can find info about vision therapy. We have not done therapy specifically for sports but I do know that it can help with tracking problems and as a result my daughter has had improved sports performance. I also know that the offices near us that do therapy offer a special sports therapy program. Good luck! 

This is a very good question -
Our research (see The Sports Gene by David Epstein for more details) has shown that there are many factors in vision that can affect baseball performance.
Everyone wants to jump in and do something - but it is best to go about it in a step wise logical fashion.
First of all you need to make sure the vision is as required - that is at least 20/15 in each eye if not 20/12 - that is the average for Pro ball. Also need to be sure the contrast sensitivity ability and processing of visual information is correct so that the player has the best chance to "see the ball" - without seeing it nothing else matters!
After that, then need to look at the way the brain uses visual information - that is hand eye coordination, reaction time, anticipation ability etc ... these are the areas that can be trained - but they will do no good unless the basic vision is up to snuff!
Don't fall for the online games that promise improvement - you need an exam by a good sports vision Doc who knows what they are doing and can guide you through the different levels of exam to find the problem and make the correct fix -
Aspirin doesn't work for everything and sports vision training doesn't either - both have there place, when preceded by the correct diagnosis!
Hope this helps, and best of luck!
Originally Posted by SITOF:

Does anyone have any experience with sports vision training?... My son has just turned 14 and he is still having some problems tracking balls over his head.  Any input would be appreciated.


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