I had an interesting thought the other day. What if we emailed every high school coach in America and let them know about the HSBBW?
Mind you, we could just be informative and not pushy -- just let them know the great informational resource HSBBW is -- and discuss how, if their players and parents tuned into HSBBW they could get great information to improve their game and recruiting chances. We could come up with a "flyer" they could hand out to their players showing the link to HSBBW.. to learn more about the great game of baseball online!
Wow, just think of the new members we could create! All it would take is some of us to "volunteer" to cover an area.. to email each and every high school coach in his or her area. Now, that would put a smile on Mn-Mom's face and it wouldn't cost a dime, just some effort!
I'll cover the entire State of Washington if you guys are willing! But I would prefer a consensus first. What'ya think?
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