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Anyone else getting tired of seeing walk-off celebrations? The helmet throw, the back slapping/head smacking, the synchronized team hopping, and the inevitable shaving cream pie to the face during the post game interview? Maybe I’m just getting cranky and need to lighten up, but to me, these celebrations have become old.
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I don't pay attention to the celebrations. I see them as over the top unless it's the playoffs or a key regular season game. It seems contrived for a below .500 team to act like they just won the World Series. On the flip side, people complain about the enthusiasm level of professional athletes. The celebration shows enthusiasm.
I would be upset if they didn't celebrate a tough win. I think by definition a "walk-off" represents a hard fought battle. If they don't want the win that night more than anything they should look at retirement. Question: is it a whipped cream pie or shaving cream? I think it should be something edible and not potentially harmful (eye irritating/damaging).
Originally posted by fillsfan:
The biggest problem with the celebrations at home plate are injuries. They do seem to do less jumping onto homeplate than in the past.

When my sons team won the state championship they all "dog piled" on the mound. I was taking video and pictures and didn't immediately notice that my son was injured. Someone told me "he had taken a spike to the face near his eye".
As it turns out he basically got hit in the face with either a foot or knee on his cheekbone/orbit and had a good shiner going. Needless to say, if it had of been a spike to the eye, he could have damaged his vision.
So while celebrating a state championship is going to happen, sooner or later someone is going to get hurt with all the excessive celebrations.
Originally posted by fillsfan:
My sons team dogpiled after winning regionals this season, the closer was crushed at the bott om of the pile and had the wind knocked out of him. He had to be carried off the mound and it took him about 15 minutes to get back to normal. Not that this particular kid is normal anyhow. Smile
When my son's high school team won the conference in a walk off he was rounding second. He jogged to the pile at a pace that would allow him to be on top. Kept his helmet on, too. Three times that year the same opposing team walked him in the 7th inning with first open to have the hitter behind him drive in the winning run.
Last edited by RJM
Originally posted by mcmmccm:
Question: is it a whipped cream pie or shaving cream? I think it should be something edible and not potentially harmful (eye irritating/damaging).

This is related to one of my offerings from the "Pet Peeves" thread. I think its lamo-o to rub a towel full of shaving cream into someone's face. To quote myself, "Proper pranksters should be expected to have real pies on hand"

What kind of people raise MLB ballplayers without ever sitting them down in front of old black and white comedy reels? Walking through life totally ungrounded...
Last edited by wraggArm

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