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I do the PA for my son's high school baseball team...yes, I do walk-ups, but for Varsity only, not JV...kind of look at it as a small fringe benefit once you make varsity. I let them request a song or two for walkups (usually they have to be extensively edited to get the right sound-bite)...seniors gets their first choice and on down. If they don't send me their request, I pick something out for them, and they usually give me a request after the first time they hear it...heard of another local HS that allows the Seniors to pick first-time varsity player's walk-up for them...get lot's of Madonna, Jonas Brothers, Taylor Swift...

OK, I'm rambling, but thought I'd chime in. The players do like it...

A highly unscientific study conducted locally over the last two seasons indicated that in games in which walk up songs were utilized, batters took longer to begin to walk to the plate then walked slower. Then the umpire had to hold the pitcher off longer to wait for the announcer to turn off the sound.

This all resulted in an addition to the game time of 10-15 seconds per batter, or an average of about 7-8 minutes per game when one side used music and about 15 minutes per game when each side used music.

Again, this was conducted only locally and by umpire evaluators with stop watches at both games with and without walk up songs.

No scientfic significance is claimed.
Our team did it last year.

Son was a freshman last year and the seniors picked his song, which was "Dancing Queen".

Contrary to Jimmy03's quoted study, during his one official AB, he was actually in the box ready to hit before the pitcher got the ball back from the previous play. PA guy played it anyway, the umpire cracked up, called time and made us all listen to a few seconds before he put the ball in play.

I do agree it generally slows things down, is loud and all the songs sound the same, bad.

And yes, I know I sound like my parents.
I always thought it would be a good Idea to raffle off the walk-out song's to the student body, ( target the girl's ).
And then you would have them coming to your games to listen to your walk-out song, since they picked it out.
Raffle it off every home game. A good fund raiser.
And you just might increase your fan base.


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