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im planning on trying to walk on to a Division 1 school this coming fall. Does anyone have some advice on how to handle this...mainly what to say to the coach before I even set foot on campus. I know I have the ability to play at this level....was even recruited by programs of a similar level of competition (simply chose the school I wanted to atten for academic reasons)
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rball - I believe that different schools handle walkons very differently. One DI that recruited my son will take walk ons and gives them a fair chance of proving themselves. However, another very large school takes walkons as a guaranteed roster spot and gives them a slim chance to show themselves in the fall. They take no-one from open tryouts - not really sure why they even have them.

I think that you should make yourself known to the coach. Did he not have any money left this year, is your position overfilled, etc. Why wasn't he recruiting you? Those questions might give you some direction and focus as to a plan to take in approaching him.

Many coaches are excited by a player that wants to play for them regardless of scholly or being "courted" by the staff. Work hard at whatever opportunity they give you.
Just so I get the question straight. You were recruited by DI schools but chose to go to a lesser division because of academics. That's cool. So you've transferred to this DI for this coming fall and plan to walk on? Were you in touh with the DI coach before you transferred, or is this a total shot in the dark?
I'll be starting as a freshman this coming fall....have not yet talked to the coach. School I'll be attending is a lesser division 1.... which are the same types of schools I received some interest from in baseball (they just werent schools I wanted to attend... If i were to get hurt or not be able to play baseball at these schools they would not have been places I'd want to be) But dont get the wrong idea .... baseball is still very important to me
rball - Sounds like your priorities are in order! I would suggest calling or emailing the coach and just introducing yourself. Like I said, I believe many coaches would be impressed with a kid like you! When you talk to him there's nothing wrong with asking his philosophy on walk ons - info is power! Also, take a look at the players at your position (current and incoming) before you talk to him - that way you'll know what sort of needs might remain or that you'll have to battle against.

Good luck to you!
Last edited by lafmom
Thanks for the advice.. I dont want to sound cocky but i really do feel confident in my ability. I think I have a lot of things going for me too. I played shortstop in high school but im 6'4" and run a 6.6 60 yd dash so I feel like I can play anywhere.....Which brings up another question. Is it unheard of for a coach to switch a players position if say there were already a great infielders. Maybe 1st or the outfield? I can hit
No, that's not unheard of at all. As a matter of fact, that's another discussion point for you with the coach. The fact you're willing to play wherever you could help his team is a plus. I've known college coaches that recruit a kid simply for his bat. Even if you ended up a DH, this would give you an opportunity to play and prove yourself.

Make sure and let us know how your experience turns out. I think it might provide great value for other kids in a couple of ways.
I have to say that 6'4 and a 6.6 60 and you are walking on at a school where you haven't contacted the coach seems odd. On the other hand, I know Chris Lambert got signed by BC just before school started, so anything is possible.
If I were you, I would be emailing and calling the coaches and telling them you are coming. Would advise them the offers you have received and from where. Walking on, sight unseen is an enormous gamble. With the stats you describe, (I trust you can hit), a lower DI head coach should be ready to hug you.
Also, make sure you show up in the best shape of your career. That means physically in the best shape of your career and baseball wise the best shape of your career. You are starting at the bottom, or below. You need to prove, before the coach sees a single player, that you are different.
Finally, if I were you, I would be in contact with TRhit. If anyone can help you, with the way you represent yourself, he could. Bottom line, as has been posted, walking on is extremely problematic. If you really want to play, minimize the risks by letting the coaches know now who you are, that you are coming, and how you play the game. Make sure you are in the best, most competitive shape of your life. Contact TRhit for any advice/help he might give. Finally, doing everything you can to make sure you are the next Chris Lambert, or the next best player behind him.
Last edited by infielddad

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