by ryno: when does a coach have to / or normally notify's his returning team players that they are being released from their scholly for next season? and is this roster of returning players required to be posted?
let's not get ahead of ourselves
1) returning players will be returning ...
they'll receive a letter in early July from their school's compliance office summarizing their athletic award AND noting any changes for the coming school year.
you can request a hearing if you have questions/problems - the hearing is w/AA staff not w/coach
2) a player planning to leave the program must request a release,
the request is made to the AD, the release is granted by the AD
3) "rarely" a coach may dismiss a player from his team .. usually both know it's coming & if it's not done during the season, it would happen at the exit meeting/interview at season end
4) posting of fall/spring rosters on websites is a "public courtesy"
hope that helps
TDad, Georgia Tech carries a bullpen catcher who is NOT on the roster, but is considered "student staff" along with student manager/trainer and as such could never see game time