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This Major Motion Picture "The Final Season" will be filmed in our area. One of our scouts is the featured character in the film. Sean Aston (Rudy) is one of the stars. They are presently hiring young players to be part of the cast. Must be 18 to 25, older guys need to look young because the movie is about high school baseball. It's kind of a baseball version of "Hoosiers". NCAA athletes better check to make sure this does not violate one of the million or more NCAA rules.

Here is the link...
Final Season
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I thought it would be very interesting if some HSBBW players were part of the movie. It is fairly time consuming for the summer and could get in the way of summer ball.

The perfect candidates would be those who have ability but no longer play and look young enough.

Also good for JC or NAIA players who want a great summer job with a potential acting future. I think it means those selected will be spending a lot of their summer in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

This is a Major Motion Picture... Directed by: David Micky Evans (The Sandlot)

Sean Astin (Lord of the Rings and Rudy)
Powers Boothe (Deadwood and Sin City)
Michael Angarano (Lords of Dogtown)
Tom Arnold (Best **** Sports Show)

Sports Action by:
ReelSports (Miracle, Mr. 3000, Four Minutes)
Last edited by PGStaff
Is there a part for a fat, balding asthmatic?

Seriously, though, I have a gut feeling this is going to be a classic of the genre. We need another great baseball movie and there's nothing more American than baseball in small-town Iowa......

I remember once driving out west and passing by Van Meter, Iowa (Bob Feller) way out in the middle of nowhere.....that's baseball country. This was well before FOD and Dyersville.
Last edited by Krakatoa

Originally posted by PGStaff:

I think it means those selected will be spending a lot of their summer in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

Ok..I'm in. Nearly all summer in Cedar Rapids? Do you have a spare bedroom...with its own bathroom? And central air conditioning?

I'm going to try out for the part of the age challenged ball boy. I'd be a cinch....a youngish looking 51 yr.old...actually shaped like a baseball...could double as the team's mascot:Bernie the Baseball...I could slip into that role seamlessly.

About that must face the north or east...too hot otherwise. And how close are you to the ethanol plant?

I know I might sound just a tad demanding , but it's going to be a very l-o-n-g and HOT summer. A rotund, overaged ball boy can only take so much heat and humidity before his performance begins to flag!

Whaddya' say PG? Up for a visitor all summer long?
Last edited by gotwood4sale
You get paid for playing a part in the movie. Not for playing baseball! This in no way can be considered playing professional baseball.

However, due to one of the millions of NCAA rules that are not in the best interest of kids, NCAA players can not participate without risking their eligibility.

It's really kind of sad because I doubt that any future hall of fame Major Leaguers will be in the movie.

Sometimes the Juco and NAIA rules just make more sense! In fact, almost always they make more sense!
Due to the millions of NCAA rules-
I'm sure that the NCAA would interpret this movie (since the critiria is that you have extensive baseball skill & using that skill for pay)as a violation.
What else would risk your eligibility?
A shooting schedule certainly would crunch a schedule, but I don't
believe it would render you ineligable.
You guys are the experts-could you inquire further? Thanks.
Not sure about the movie, but when my son played Sidd Finch in the ESPN special a few years back, the NCAA definitely had their say. He couldn't be paid, couldn't get any free stuff (although he did manage to get a Mets hat Big Grin) and had to pay to get there. They could pay for his hotel and food as long as it wasn't extravagent. Since it was before we were sending him back to Dartmouth, we had to figure what it would cost to get him to Dartmouth then send that amount to ESPN (even though they didn't want it). They paid for his ticket to NY, paid for everything while he was there and flew him to school after it was over.

Definitely one of the highlights of his life.
Last edited by FrankF

I've been told NCAA student/athletes can not be in the movie. Sounds stupid, but what can you do? Gotta protect those kids from making any extra money, you know! Confused

By the way, they had over 90 kids trying out for parts yesterday. I think they're going to need about 35 players total. Seems most of those who tried out were college students who played in high school. There were a couple who played briefly in Pro Ball and had been released.
I guess! However, ability is only one of many criteria. They must look young enough to be high school age. They must fit into guidelines that include size, a certain look, and only need to have decent ability. There would be many star NCAA athletes who don't fit the profile.

Bottom line... Excellent playing ability is not the absolute most important thing, but it is helpful. I think you are correct in that there is where the problem lies.
Last edited by PGStaff

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