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Warning I may be viewed as selling something!!!!!!!

So as not to be accused of sneaking in a sales pitch this post may be viewed as a commercial for my camp.

My 18 yr old son who graduates from high school this year has just finished redesigning my website. He will be going off to college to major in graphic design. As part of a multi-media class in High school he chose to redesign my site.

You’re all invited to check out his work. Be sure to let me know if you need help with any catching issues. I think I have been open and responsive to questions and have balanced my work as a fellow coach and businessman.
Kid with a 90MPH fastball......Potential Kid with a 90MPH fastball and a great catcher....Results
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A true camp for just catchers is a great idea and I think your site is very good.
the level of instruction that catchers recive is from one end of the scale to the other.
If you see a catcher who is doing all the right things then you are looking at a player who has out worked every player on the field. and his Job is to make pitchers like my son look good and get the press for a win.
I agree with jaxnbulldog, black is not a good background color for any site (Unless it's Ozzy Osbourne's)

I like the Frame image, but do not like it when a frame takes up too much of the screen. You get locked into your frame and can only scroll a small percentage of the overall screen... From a fucntion standpoint, this is to be avoided as many people like to see full screen scrolling or at least a large percentage of the screen scrollable.

Otherwise, it is easy to use and you can get to the information you are presenting in a quick and easy manner.....

Good Luck...

PS... Love your posts!
Last edited by cong
Alright, while we're critiquing and I do this web design stuff a little...good looking site overall. I like the color scheme. It's actually a dark gray as opposed to black. Maybe you could go a few shades lighter. I've always thought blk/gry/wht gives a site a nice, clean look. And I really like the bits of red in there to add clolor. Maybe even use some more red. And every baseball site you see is blue or green. Be different.

I agree the top frame takes up too much of the page. Just resize the image or flatten it out a little and it should be fine. Also put a little bit of a border (even an "invisible" one) around it so it doesn't look like the text is scrolling right into the image.

The splash page- personally I'm not a big fan of splash pages, especially if I'm having to surf on a dial-up connection, just wasted time. If you're really married to it, at least put "enter" or "enter site" text with the image. Some folks aren't quite sure what to do when they get there even if they mouse over it see the cursor change.

Overall, real good work, these are just a few minor changes that I personally would make.
Oh, and maybe link the top image/logo to the home page, or put a "home" link at the top of your navigation bar.

And just a thought (which you've probably already had), if you continuously add new content to it, much in the way you post lengthy (and very good!) items on these forums, you could develop a good following of return visitors, maybe do a newsletter, sell some advertising, retire from you're day me a consulting fee for coming up with such unique ideas. Big Grin party

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