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Watch Tennis Player Get Angry at a Crying Child

David Ferrer video has hit the Internet, and it doesn't reflect well on the tennis pro.

Ferrer was in the process of losing to Mardy Fish yesterday, when a crying baby in the crowd got under his skin. After one of the points, the tennis player takes the ball and knocks it into the stands, in the direction of the crying baby.

After the match, Ferrer said it had nothing to do with the outcome.

I still love to blow my horn when driving past the golf course.
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I don't agree with what he did, but why not just remove the crying baby?

Things are a lot different than when we were raising our kids. They were fussy in resturants so we ordered in, we stayed at home to watch movies, they cried in airplanes, so we drove.

We were just parents who felt that there is a time and a place for everything. We had to give up some stuff we liked to do to raise our kids, parents just not willing to do that these days.
Ridiculous on both ends for the player and parent IMHO. Right or wrong, tennis has always been played while it is fairly quiet out of respect to the players. Ferrer could have asked the umnpire for help and they could have moved the baby & parent out of the stands until he stopped crying or tended to his/her needs. It is a fairly large tennis stadium (17K people) so the sound carries pretty well. The parent could have taken the initiative and moved himself. I see fault with the way the player and parent handled this.

The bottom line is Mardy Fish (American) beat Ferrer who has a higher world ranking, and he is playing Djokovic in the semi finals. THis is a very important tournament for world rankings, and it rates just below a Grand Slam in importance. With that win over Ferrer, Fish is now the highest ranked American over Andy Roddick.
Last edited by fenwaysouth

Ferrer complained of suffering from indegestion? Maybe. I think he's just colicky. You a baby.

Perhaps his discomfort was caused by something he ate. Not everyone can tolerate fish. Especially an 'on-top-of-his-game' Mardy fish.

And TPM...great post. Our family certainly appreciate parents like you and your husband. Peace and quiet when you expect it. Your approach, consideration for those around you, was the approach that we used as well. The Golden Rule...yes?

This reminds me of a story. Astonished are you? Another way! This one centers around one of our aspiring baseball players, our oldest son and maybe five or six at the time, he picking up a landscaping stone in the parking lot of a Grand Rapids, MI restaurant and tossing it impressively onto the restaurant's pitched roof. His younger brother making mental notes...type of stone, size of stone, distance from selected target, angle of attack, follow through, and more I'm certain.

We all got an 'on-the-spot' lesson on just how gravity works as the stone rolled off the roof to land loudly on the aluminum cap of a pick up truck parked near the eave. There was no damage that I could see, but my vision was partially obstructed by my younger son after I swept him up and ran towards our Plymouth Voyager. His memory bank was brimful at this point.

Ahhh...memories. Back when I was fleet of foot...and when we could afford a meal out!

If you're ever in Grand Rapids or the surrounding area try one of Russ' great shakes and their awesome Green Olive Burger.
    "A sumptuous 1/2 lb. burger made daily by hand, using only fresh ground beef. This old fashioned burger will bring you back to the drive-in days! Sliced green olives with lettuce and mayonnaise $5.59"

Great food, great service, wholesome atmosphere and family oriented. Closed on Sunday. Beautifully landscaped. Just don't park under the eaves!

Last edited by gotwood4sale
My son's hs field is at the bottom of a hill, most spectators sit on the hill near the back stop. A few weeks ago, right in front of us was a large family of small children, three of whom kept running and screaming at the top of their lungs. While everyone else was quiet, these kids were deliberately shouting as loud as they could. My son was pitching. I wanted to knock their bratty little heads together. The mom seemed overwhelmed and the dad was completely oblivious.

About this clip, though -- it was an underhand lob into the stands. Maybe he was just tossing it into the stands the same way an outfielder does at the end of an inning. Here, kid, have a ball and btw, STFU.

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