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Today I got to see the University of North Carolina practice and it was just amazing. They put on a practice session of things they did during a typical practice session as part of the North Carolina High School Baseball Coaches Association. About 12 years ago I got to do the same thing with the University of Indiana and it was very inspiring like UNC was.

Of course they are dealing with a different type of player than most of us. I wouldn't say they didn't teach but most of what they did was about getting different types of game speed reps in.

A couple of the things they did that stood out to me were

1. Tee Double Play - all the infielders were in their positions with a pitcher on the mound. The outfielders hit balls off a Tee at the plate with the purpose of getting groundballs to the IF. The IF would turn double plays with the OF (and catchers) running up first baseline. What's great about it is it creates a sense of urgency in turning two because the hitter typically beats out the turn. The IF is competing to get that turn although it's pretty obvious the batters are going to reach first safely. Today they did turn some pretty sick doubleplays and it's just amazing how fast the transfers were. They did not have a runner at first base.

2. Bunt Defense - this was really genius and I never would have thought to do this but they had a pitcher on the mound and a coach throwing to a catcher about halfway to the plate. This helped to get good pitches for the OF to bunt. They ran through all their bunt defenses. The coach would throw the ball and get out of the way opposite of where the bunt is laid down. I've tried doing this in the past but either the pitcher couldn't get near the plate or the batters couldn't get the bunt down and it was a waste of time. With the coach its' more consistent in getting good pitches and bunts.

3. OF / IF throwing drill - not sure what to call this one but it does incorporate a lot of accurate throwing. Coach would stand at home and yell out a series of 3 or 4 numbers (1,2,3,4) for the bases. Then he would hit a ball to the outfield and the players would throw the ball around based on the series called. For example coach yells out 3,2,4,1 and hits to the RF. The RF and IF set up for relay throw to 3B. When 3B catches throw from RF he tags the bag and throws to 2B who tags the bag. Then the 2B throws to the plate for a tag the bag. Then the catcher rolls the ball out in front of the plate for a "bunt" and fields it and throws to first. Really great drill to get the guys to focus on what play to make with accurate throws.

4. Two Coach Fungo - did a lot of this on various drills to get more reps at different situations. For example two coaches hit at the same time and one hits to 3B to do a 5-4 double play turn. The other coach hits a 6-3 groundball to a first base up the line. They did two fungos on several PFP drills. Look runner back go to 1B, GB turn to 2B double play, bunt field to third, squeeze etc...

I seriously recommend if you have the opportunity to see a college team practice go and do it. Take a note pad and write things down that you see that you think can fit into your program. Usually if you contact the coach ahead of time they will comply with your request and will go out of their way to help you with anything during the practice.

Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. Thomas Jefferson

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Love drill number 1 and 2!!! I will immediately start using those. If anyone has these type of drills please post. I will include one I got from Florida State below.

Runners at 1st base, outfielders in CF and/or RF, 3rd baseman at 3rd Base. Coach fungoing ground balls to the outfielders and runners going 1st to 3rd trying to beat the throws.

Can also be used from 2nd base to Home Plate.
Last edited by socalhscoach
I am going to use #1 & #2 in practice this year for sure. Those are some good drills.

Here is a drill I saw a college softball team do.

Set up a Tee at home plate. Set up 2 cones near the bases (or anywhere in the infield). The hitter has to hit in between the two cones that are set up. You can make them as close together as you want. You can divide up in teams and you get points for hitting it between the cones.

Great info. I will try a few of them next week when we crank up. anybody got any other ideas that they have been able to pick up ?

I watch the Garrido special that was on before the CWS a few years ago trying to see what all is going on in the background. Only problem, traded comcast for dish and lost all of my DVR'd programs!!!!!
This is some great stuff!! I recently read Coach Bobby Knight's autobiography and he said he kept a notebook handy to write down ideas of things for his team he heard, saw, or thought of. I am doing the same.

I like using the tee for situational defense, because many times we fungo hitters give away where we are going to hit it too. It would also be good for situation hitting, becasue we could direct the hitter to hit it in a certain location.
There is a Korean Pro Baseball(Hanhwa Eagles?)team that has their spring training at a baseball complex near my house.I've been going to watch them workout for a couple of years now and it is amazing what they get in in such short time.

How would you suggest getting a practice schedule for a D1 college team? Would you contact the Head Coach directly and let him know you would like to watch?
How would you suggest getting a practice schedule for a D1 college team? Would you contact the Head Coach directly and let him know you would like to watch?

This is probably the best method to get it done and he may set something special up or whatever. Something I used to do when I was working on my masters is take a Saturday class and during our lunch break is sit in the bleachers and watch the team practice with a pen and legal pad. Nobody ever said a word to me and I sat right out in the open. I made sure to wear my high school coaching pull over so they probably knew what I was doing there. Plus I only got to see about 50 minutes of what they did.
Most of the college coaches in my area are receptive to have hs coaches come and watch and will most often answer questions after practice.

Got a drill from one of the U of Arkansas coaches a couple of weeks ago. They have two coaches throwing angle bp from both sides of the field with screens or sock nets set up (instead of cones) that the hitters had to drive the ball the opp. or pull. and hit the screens.

This was on Maui at the famous ballpark where the Winter League played. Several years ago, I watched for one week every day.

The Korean team is most interesting to observe and play against. Our American HS teams have played the Korean National Team on several occasions.

As you probably know. When the Korean player does not play College baseball, Industrial baseball or professional baseball, he serves his 2 years in the Army.

Do you coach youth teams in Maui?

Bob Williams
Bon W,

No,the team I was watching work out was at the Patsy Mink Central Oahu Regional Park here in Waipio on Oahu.It wouldn't suprise me if other teams go to Maui as well though.The weather here beautiful all year around.

This year I did watch them practice a little but due to our game schedule,was not able to watch for any length of time and get notes.I have never watched any professional baseball team practice except the Koreans.I will say that they are very efficient and they make the most of their time here.There is so much going on at once that you would have to watch them work out multiple times to actually see what is going on.

Yes,I do coach youth baseball but it is on Oahu.

The two fungo drill talked about in the original post is one of the most effecient drills I've used. There are multiple rounds and lots of reps.

Round 1- 3b to 1st / SS to 2nd
R2- 1b to 3rd / 2b to 2nd
R3- 3b to 2nd / SS to 1st
R4- 1b to 2nd / 2b to 3rd (the only throw that doesn't make sense)
R5- SS to 3b / 2b to 1b

this drill can be done with buckets at each base or with two shaggers for the two fungos.

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