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I don't mind looking up to these great players such as Jeter or Tiger because in all honesty, the media will always find a pessimistic approach for these men or women. As long as they know how to play their role fairly and justly, what goes on in their lives is solely their own business. We'd had to be within proximity of their lives to understand the whole story and not depend on the media to rub in all the minor details and leave out the rest.
Originally posted by biggerpapi:
As we just found out with Tiger, it's a really bad idea to idolize another human being.

What exactly did Tiger Woods do wrong? You are just like everyone else out there who believes everything they read. It's not bad to idolize another person, because that's what aspirations and dreams are.

A person can idolize a human being because we aspire to be like those who are the best at their craft. We are not going to go aspire to be R2D2. Also, it's human to error. I'm not saying that Woods did anything wrong, but when athletes do take a misstep is reminds us that they are human after all.

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